Friday, January 18, 2013

Weapons that selects America

One of the most armed country in the world is the United States of America. And in this case it is not just about good equipment of the armed forces: 315 million Americans account for nearly 270 million barrels of firearms. Thus, in numbers and popularity weapons far ahead even cars, because it owns nearly 90 people out of a hundred.
Initially you need to note the fact that the weapon has always been one of the most important elements of the U.S. economy. This fact was once again confirmed at the beginning of this year, when it was determined that the development of weapons case, the Government has sent nearly $ 50 million.
Despite the fact that the sale of firearms in the United States are regulated, control of different severity and her own characteristics in each state. In fact, every American citizen who has reached the age of majority, has no criminal record, legal problems and mental illness, can completely free to buy a gun. Exists in the country and so-called special category to which the automatic weapons. However, in order to acquire it, in addition to a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, to pay a tax of $ 200 and be fingerprinted. But there is one "but" you can buy only those samples of automatic weapons that were manufactured before 1986.

The greatest demand among Americans are pistols and revolvers. In this type of weapon has almost 58 percent of the population. In this case, call the clear leader among samples of handguns is very difficult because the high demand and popularity of several models, including the Ruger LCP, Colt M1911, Glock and Smith & Wesson.

The most advanced of these models is the Ruger LCP - Light supercompact nine-gun, which is designed for concealed carry. In mass production, he appeared in 2008. This model has many advantages: it designs applied polymers, which greatly affects the weight (the gun weighs only 270 grams). Length of the model is only 13 inches. Despite such a small size, the gun is powerful enough due to the high muzzle velocity. In addition, it can be easily placed in a purse or in a holster on his leg. Shop is 6 rounds. Ruger LCP pistol by popularity bypasses even the famous Colt.

Colt M1911 pistol was established in 1911 in America. Prior to his arrival in the country self-loading pistols are already very popular, but they are not very powerful. The army continued to use guns, which are not particularly rate and accuracy of fire. Therefore, it was a competition for the creation of a new self-loading pistol, which was attended by two companies - Savage and Colt. After lengthy testing for service of the U.S. armed forces adopted a pistol designed by John Browning - Colt M1911. Since 1913, the model began to be delivered to the Marines and the Navy. Soon pistol design has become a classic and has been used in many models. By the way, Colt M1911 pistols used in tsarist Russia, in case gendarmerie and police. As they entered the country through the United Kingdom, with the marking "English Order" on the left side of the frame.
Now Colt M1911 pistol is the standard weapon of the U.S. military. In addition, they continue to use the security forces, particularly the police and the FBI. Number of total guns of this model is about 2.7 million barrels.

One of the world's best recognized pistols Glock, which quickly gained popularity in the U.S. market. In 1988, specifically for the civilian market, as well as various special services released a compact variant of the Glock 17 - Glock 19, which has become no less popular not only the police but also the civilian population, who planned to use it for concealed carry and self-defense or sport shooting. From its predecessor, this model has a shorter barrel, equal to 10 centimeters, and the handle, which holds 15 rounds in the magazine. Despite its small size, the gun has a high combat and operational characteristics: firepower, reliability, ease of carry, easy to use.
To date, Glock 19 pistol is armed police, special forces and the armies of many countries, in particular the Hong Kong Police, a rapid response team of French Gendarmerie, the Israeli General Security Service. However, the most widespread, the model was on the civilian market, because this gun is recognized by many experts as the best weapon for self-defense.

The oldest of all the most popular models of handguns is a revolver Smith & Wesson. Its production started in 1899. Despite this, it is produced in various versions until now. This gun is one of the most numerous, and the number of models produced at the present time is reached almost 9 million specimens. Gun itself is one of the most accurate and reliable in the shooting. Danae model always in great demand on the civilian market, and athletes-shooters. The revolver has a classic design with folding drum for six rounds, made of steel with weapons blueing. In 1941, Smith Veson company started production of revolvers for police. This model was named the "Military and Police model." Supply such guns in the military. When in 1957-1958 the company instead of verbal designations began using numbers, this model was called Smith & Wesson Model 10, which is produced in our time.
For a long period of time, this model was in service of the American police. Its further development has been the emergence of models 14 and 15. Concealed carry is the most suitable model 10, since it lacks protruding rib. In the ranking of the most popular models of handguns Americans revolver Smith & Wesson is in the second position after the Colt 1911 pistol.
If guns are usually designed for concealed carry, which can be carried through the streets or carry in the glove compartment car, a gun is used in most cases to protect your home or for hunting.

The greatest stopping power of the available American population possess weapons shotguns. Among these weapons undisputed leader recognized Remington 870 shotgun, which was presented in 1950. This pump-action shotgun, which was originally produced as a universal gun for hunting. This shotgun was produced and released to date in the various versions. In the 1970s, Army rifle modification was adopted by the U.S. Army. This model had a shop in seven rounds, hand guards and a special protective matte finish.
In addition, the shotgun is in great demand among police officers. For them, a model was developed that allows to shoot bullets and buckshot, and special ammunition, including rubber bullets and traumatic gas grenades.
Depending on the caliber and model of gun magazine capacity can range from three to eight rounds. Since the introduction to the present time by Remington has sold more than ten million shotguns. In 2009, Remington 870 shotgun was considered the most successful model in the company's history.

For those who like hunting, pump action rifles are not enough. They need a high destructive power at a distance. Hunters are popular guns Thompson / Center Arms Encore 209x.50 Magnum. They are charged with the breech. Barrel length of only 66 centimeters, with an initial velocity of the bullet is 671 meters per second. The advantage of this model is the ability to equip its optical sighting devices, and high enough lethal range, which is 180 meters. But it should be noted that this gun is quite expensive.

Very interesting is the fact that the most popular long-barreled weapons in the United States last year, according to sales, is the rifle Mosin 1891/30. She appeared in 1891 in Russia. It was a trilinear rifle, which was developed and a cartridge of 7.62 mm. In those years, it was decided to adopt three options, in other, not much different from each other: Infantry, Dragoon and Cossack. Series production began in the years 1893-1894 in Izhevsk and Tula. However, during the First World War, in view of the fact that Russian industry could not cope with the production rifles had to order in America. After 1917, a large number of rifles and remained in the U.S.. They were sold on the civilian market, or used in the army to train soldiers shooting. The American model is different from the Russian, except for labeling and more material lodges - was used instead of the birch walnut stock. Mosin rifle repeatedly subjected to modernization. In addition, the model was developed sniper rifle that was used during the Second World War.
Despite the fact that this model of weapon was far from ideal, with its functions as it copes well: it was easy and straightforward to use, even maloobuchennymi soldiers, cheap to produce, are reliable and durable, has good ballistic qualities. Its firing range is about two miles.
At present, despite the fact that the production of the Mosin rifle was taken back in 1965, on the internet it is quite easy and simple to buy for a small amount.
In addition to pistols and rifles considerable demand in the U.S. and are semi-automatic rifles and carbines. Such weapons are very ambiguous. By and large, from automatic versions it differs only in the volume and rate of the store. In the mid-90s in some U.S. states there was a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles, shop equipment with more than 10 bullets. Despite this, with a strong desire can be purchased, and it is legitimate, store larger capacity, if it was produced before the ban.
Carbines and assault rifles have a large range of fire and slaughter, so they are better than other types of weapons suitable for shooting in shooting galleries or for hunting, but not for self-defense, because of its low stopping power.

Among all assault weapons represented the U.S. arms market, leadership belongs rifle AR15. This is a self-loading rifle, which is produced since 1963. In the sale, it comes as a civilian weapon for self defense. In addition, she is a staff weapon police departments.
The rifle is the development of ArmaLite. Initially it was assumed that it will be a promising assault rifle for the U.S. Army. However, in 1959 due to financial difficulties encountered, the company sold the rights to the design of Colt. As a result, in the early 60's AR15 rifle entered by the army under the name M16. Under the brand represented AR15 semiautomatic model, which is produced for the civilian market.
Currently engaged in the production of rifles, several companies, including ArmaLite, Bushmaster and Colt. The rifle is made for the standard NATO 5.56 mm cartridge, sighting range is about half a kilometer, e, and the initial velocity - 975 feet per second.

The second position in the ranking of semiautomatic assault weapons popularity among the American population took up various Kalashnikov. They are engaged in the production of many countries, particularly Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, China, Poland, Romania, North Korea, Yugoslavia, Israel, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, India, and, of course, the United States of America. Incidentally, the original - the Kalashnikov - has become the most popular gun in the world, and also the most common. The total number sold Kalashnikovs and its copies around the world is about 100 million barrels.
However, soon the Americans love to all kinds of weapons can meet great obstacles of the law. After numerous tragedies that occur more and more often in American schools, the government would give serious consideration to tighten the rules for firearms in the country. In particular, it is the introduction of additional checks on the acquisition of handguns, rifles and shotguns, as well as the ban on the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity store. All these measures are contained in the President's program, consisting of 19 points.
Obama himself is confident that his program will vehement opposition Congress, because the right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution. If this happens, the president will be forced to deal with violence in America through direct orders.
There is also the danger that the bans do not work simply because the citizens do not want to voluntarily hand over their existing weapons, and any attempt to force them to do so can cause this rebellion. On top of that the Americans expecting a quick tightening of legislation, and began buying weapons and ammunition. So, now in civilian weapons, even more than before.
America unarmed inconceivable. But the consequences of such a love for weapons ...

Friday, January 11, 2013

America: World leader or a lunatic on the roof?

Before U.S. President Obama has a lot of problems: a huge national debt, economic crisis, unemployment and impoverishment, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Army alcoholism and drug addiction, obesity, the nation, the Chinese cyber threat, the situation in the Middle East that if they "stabilized", then in favor of radical Islam, sometimes "cold" clashes with Russia - that over the European missile defense, because of indigestible international laws ("Magnitsky Act" and Russian "answer" - "the law of Dima Yakovlev").

Eighteen months ago, Obama even invited to the White House, his former rival Mitt Romney and talked to him about the prospects for turkey U.S. global leadership. The details of the conversation to the press was not hit, but obviously, once Barack Obama turned to his rival, the former lead to the United States so far. Probably right, Ian Bremmer, often repeating his favorite thesis «G0»: zero global leadership. Which was not Putin's influential politician in the world and not Obama. And not Angela Merkel and Mario Draghi. In providing global leadership vacant, gentlemen.

As such, the U.S. is no longer the world policeman. Washington simply can not afford to pull this "strap". The fact that the key posts in the U.S. now appointed new people probably only underscores Obama's understanding of the difficult situation in which was his native America. She herself, who now have almost publicly abandon its role as world leader. This does not endorse Senator McCain, but Democrat Obama will not ask him.

Mr. President, a supporter of the accelerated withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, and a man who has not decided on an operation in Syria, although the back of his career Libya is likely to heed the forecast of the National Intelligence (NIC). This office, right in the spirit of Comrade Bremmer, paints the world in 2030, in which "no country, whether it be the U.S., China or any other major power, will not be able to become a center of regional hegemony."

In the analysis of intelligence analysts, four global trends: 1) the individual capabilities and the global growth of the middle class, and 2) the diffusion of power from states to the informal networks and coalitions, and 3) demographic changes caused by urbanization, migration and aging, 4) an increase in demand for products food, water and energy. Each of the four trends "significantly reverses the historical rise of the West." States that the "unipolar moment" in the history of humanity is over.

According to analysts NIC, multifaceted power of the U.S. suggests that even if China will overtake America in the economy, America still retain world leadership - though together "with other great powers." The argument is the following vague statement: "The potential for overloading the U.S. growing demands greater than the risk that the U.S. will replace the world as an outstanding political leader." Smart uncle of NIC simply frightening world that without him the U.S., the world will become very ill. Similarly, the government afraid of its citizens because, without them, the rulers and officials in the anarchy comes, everything will all destroy, kill and rob. These arguments need governments to continue to keep themselves and replicate further. With exactly the same purpose scare - but the entire planet - and the States hegemony. Well, or former hegemon, "... or the sudden collapse of the U.S. retreat from power, is likely to lead to a prolonged period of global anarchy" without "a stable international system or the leading force that can replace the United States."

What horror. But Bremmer G0 does not frighten me.

In fact, the world will be a number of regional leaders. Will soon become the most prominent China.

The OECD report "Looking into 2060: long-term growth prospects," said that in 2060 the share of China and India in global GDP will surpass all of the 34 countries which are part of the OECD, although now it is little more than a third. In 2016, China will become the largest economy in the world. He will remain a global economic leader by 2020. Until that time, the PRC will grow the fastest, and then forward welling India and Indonesia because in China the working population is decreasing.

America, too, is likely to remain a regional impact. Will affect Canada. On the EU. On Saudi Arabia to Qatar. On two of the Sudan. Influential, we must assume, will be Germany (or the EU under its control), Australia (the most prosperous state today), probably, India and Brazil. It is difficult to say how influential in the Middle East will be Turkey - most likely, it too will become one of the leading regional players. Also funny to think that Russia will eat collapse, as predicted its various economists, commentators and analysts. No. And she will be among the key regional players. It is today one of them.

All this world "figure" will go on existing chessboard, trying not to fall out of it. Party can be played indefinitely.

As for the "zero", which Bremmer, anyway, is referring to the former place of America, it is necessary to explain the numbers. Otherwise, say, propaganda. Yes, God forbid. That is propaganda, of course, without it, but ... translated to English.

January 8, 2013 «The Heritage Foundation» published an article Patrick Tyrrell and William Beach, which has been analyzed of the U.S. population receiving any help from the federal government.

It turns out that the number of people receiving benefits from the federal government in the United States increased from 94 million in 2000 to over 128 million in 2011. This means that 41.3% of the U.S. population is now "podsazheno" for federal programs. Moreover, experts believe, more than 128 million - this is an estimate based on the recently released U.S. Census Bureau report, which, due to the methodology of the study are likely to underestimate the true number.

Although very few Americans deny that the federal government should play an important role in helping those in need, it qualifies as a huge number of incredibly large, indicating that the tax money collected by those to whom they are not really required.

For example, Warren Buffett is a recipient of federal welfare programs. Of course, with his condition, he is not dependent on any programs. In contrast, other programs Americans depend almost all of their income, housing, health care, food and other needs, and are subject to classification according to the actual state. Others are dependent on public funding somewhere in the middle: for example, they need money for college. Therefore, it should be noted that not all of the 128 million people that benefit from government programs, in the true sense dependent on the government.

But here are some of the numbers:

128,818,142 people in the United States are studying at least one government program.

48,580,105 people use «Medicaid».

35,770,301 a pension and income from social security.

43,834,566 are «Medicare».

39,030,579 live in families where at least one person gets food stamps.

6,984,783 people live in subsidies for renting apartments.

2,047,149 people receive subsidies for higher education.

It is important to note that the above categories overlap: for example, a person can receive and rental subsidies, and food stamps. It turns out that the total amount to 128,818,142 people. Receiving assistance from at least one government program that is not true.

The authors note undercount in subsidies for higher education: of the 16 percent of people receiving food stamps. 2 million - far less than the actual number of those in need of help, since only 2011 students received $ 9.7 million people in the form of Pell Grants.

Analysts write about other likely understated. But the most important thing is that, even according to official statistics the growth rate of the people who receive federal aid, much faster than the overall population growth in the United States.

Number of destinations with in 2011 (128.818.142) 62% higher than it was in 1988 (79.592.924). Meanwhile, the U.S. population increased by only 27%. In other words, the number of people who receive help from at least one federal program, is growing faster in the two and a half times that of the U.S. population increases.

Moreover, in the period between 1988 and 2011 spending on federal government programs have increased by 180 percent. This is compared to "only" 62 per cent increase in the number of people admitted to the program and a 27 percent increase in population. That is not only more and more people are getting money for government programs, but more and more U.S. taxpayer dollars spent on each recipient each year.

As a result, we must recognize that most of the population of the United States has two types of income: 1) money that they or their families have earned, and 2) the money transferred to them by taxpayers through government federal programs. Consumers of the second kind are more than 128.8 million individuals, or 41.3 percent of the total population.

Moreover, according to recent studies, "Wall Street Journal", a dangerous turning point for the company will be achieved when the second type will be allocated about half of all Americans (49.1%).

So much so, the authors write that the U.S. national debt is approaching 100 percent of GDP. The government owes its own citizens 100% of all goods and services produced in a year. Congress would do well to remember that there is no "free" subsidies and incentives. Today, the government borrows from the pockets of future taxpayers money that passes to pay for the needs of current customers. What kind of American dream! Are future generations just get that put out other people's debts accumulated by the Presidents of the past?

Nile Gardiner, an analyst and political commentator, former aide to Margaret Thatcher, often appearing on American and British television, including channels «Fox News Channel», «BBC» and «Fox Business Network», asks the question: are these 128 million America may need to survive as a global power?

If the crisis Europe total savings, the United States does not just slide down towards trying to find a sustainable European economic style, but flying into the abyss at full speed. Nile Gardiner recalls that, in terms of state debt, America and here - on the road to financial ruin. Its total public debt, according to the OECD, has exceeded 100 percent of GDP, and the public federal debt is projected to exceed 100 percent of GDP by 2024. America's national debt, calculated as a percentage of GDP (109.8%, the data for 2012) now exceeds the total debt of the euro zone (100.6 percent), or individual in France (105.1 per cent) and the UK (105.3 percent) . Only Greece (181.3 percent), Iceland (124.7), Ireland (123.2), Italy (127) and Portugal (125.6) at the present time on this indicator "ahead" of the U.S..

Without a sharp change of course, says the expert, without deep reforms without significant cuts in government spending and tax cuts, and without a return to the former policy that encourages economic freedom, and does not prevent it, the United States will face a grim economic future. Implications for American leadership in the world and even to the future of the free world can be truly devastating.

Today's America is, in fact, is a politically ... China. With Chinese callous indifference to freedom, human rights and democratic values. Ship America, dominated by large state ideology, is drowning in debt. Country overly regulated, its population suffers from too high taxes and chronic unemployment. All this, combined with a weak military doctrine and unhealthy respect to supranational entities, is a natural nightmare.

Alas, says fellow Gardiner, the last president of the United States stuck in his denial of the obvious. And the report of Patrick Tyrrell and William Beach - another warning the U.S. administration. Sleepwalking in the White House, says Gardiner, - the road to economic disaster. Perhaps it is time to wake up?

Note that there is no single word in the article mate Gardiner (by the way, mostly living in Washington, DC) of U.S. leadership in the world or something like that. Probably in Washington was only one person still believes in the greatness of America. This is Senator McCain. But we'll talk about it another time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to get rich U.S.

In 1913, the U.S. had a negative trade balance, and the North American investment in the economy of other countries, mostly in Latin America, was less than the foreign debt. At the end of 1913 have been posted abroad North American capital in the amount of 2.065 billion dollars, and the States themselves have been $ 5 billion. It must be said that the then U.S. - sample of 1873 were the real currency of each dollar was equal to 1.50463 g. pure gold. But, with the outbreak of World War II picture changed radically. U.S. State of the debtor's creditors have become the world's leading powers.

The First World War claimed millions of lives, devastating tornado walked through the territories of France, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia, and the U.S. government has become for this manna from heaven. On August 1, 1914 to January 1, 1917 the United States provided the belligerent powers of loans by 1.9 billion dollars. Already in April 1915, one of the owners of the financial empire Morgan Thomas Lamont, speaking to the press, said the United States should as much as possible to help European allies, which will cause Americans to repurchase their debt to Great Britain and France. Another great flow loans to European countries went when the U.S. entered the war themselves. Until the end of World War II total credit of more than $ 10 billion. About 7 billion dollars went to buy weapons, ammunition, ammunition, various war materials. And all this was bought in the very same U.S.. Money remained in the United States and stimulated its economy. It is clear that large profits were obtained financial magnates and industrialists. One outcome of the First World War was the transformation of the United States of the world's largest creditor to the debtor. France and Great Britain, by contrast, the world's largest lenders have become debtors.

In the case of France, the transformation of the country into a major debtor responsible for the fact that its territory were protracted fighting, millions of workers have been isolated from the national economy and the northeast, where it was concentrated much of the heavy industry was under German occupation. French gold reserves when the war was estimated at 845 million dollars, and it was spent in the first months of World War II.

An interesting fact is that in informal conversations with their British counterparts, American statesmen of the war and the first time after it was assured that after the war the U.S. will write off the debts, some to pass on to the conquered country. The schedule of payments of debtor proposed to link with the schedule they have received reparations from the defeated powers. The situation for the debtor countries cleared in March 1920, when a U.S. financial institution in response to a message from the British Minister of Finance reported that the United States does not care about the delay of payments from Germany, England, the United States has to pay on time. In a letter dated November 3, 1920, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George asked U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to renegotiate payments. However, the response of the American president was maintained at about the same spirit as the post of the finance department. As a result, the issue of military debt was submitted to the Genoa Conference. It was decided that the 4 billion 600 million dollars that Britain was to the U.S., will be paid within 62 years. In this case, up to 1932, the British had to pay 3% per annum, and from 1933 to the end of payments - 3.5%. As a result, the amount of interest was higher than the amount of debt. England had to pay 11 billion 105 million dollars. Despite the fact that most of the German reparations received France - 54.4%, and England was 23%.

Berlin was obliged to pay an annual staranm-winners by 650 million dollars, of which 149 million 760 thousand dollars owed England. Until 1933, London was the Americans should transfer each year to 138 million. Thus, almost all German reparations, which relied England absorbed the U.S.. However, in 1923, Germany was unable to pay any brand. France in response to the occupation of the Ruhr. The British convened the London Conference, which in August 1924 approved a new reparations plan for Germany. It has developed an international committee of experts, headed by American banker Charles Dawes Gheit.

The plan was adopted under U.S. pressure. To trigger the German economy, the plan Dawes Berlin not only to pay reparations, but also get an international loan. Germany initially granted a loan of 200 million dollars (110 million U.S. banks have provided) for stabilization of the mark. Until 1929, Germany received loans worth 21 billion marks, mainly from the U.S.. Therefore, the first year of implementation of the Dawes Plan Berlin had only themselves to pay 200 million gold marks. Dawes Plan found that in 1924 the Germans to pay reparations of $ 1 billion gold marks (which then was about 238 million dollars) in the first few years, the amount grew to 1.75 billion gold marks, and in 1928 was increase to 2.5 billion marks. Thus, Germany's annual payments are reduced significantly, and now most of the annual payments to the United States the English had to pay out of pocket. Besides, these amounts Berlin paid regularly, and in the early 1930s, stopped paying altogether.

The Hague Conference on Reparations 1929-1930. adopted the background reparation payments Germany (Young Plan). U.S. does not officially take part in the conference, but in fact have initiated the Young Plan. The plan was prepared by a team of financial experts headed by American Owen Young and reflect the interests of the individual, especially the U.S., creditors Germany. U.S. put pressure on the participants to the plan was adopted. Young Plan called for a reduction in the size of annual payments - an average of 2 billion marks canceled reparations tax on industry and reduced taxation of transport, destruction of foreign regulatory agencies. It also provides a reduction in the total German payments to 113.9 billion gold marks with maturity 37 years (possible revision in the future.) However, the plan was valid only for one year. In 1931, Chancellor Heinrich Brüning was able to introduce a moratorium on reparations payments and more Germans paid nothing. Another blow to the UK Treasury paid the Soviet Union, which refused to recognize the debts of the king, and the interim government - 13.2 billion gold rubles (taking into account the Government's debt Kolchak, Wrangel, Miller and other "governments" of Russia - 18.5 billion rubles in gold ). As a result of the First World War, the major world powers - Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have become debtors of the United States.

More U.S. earned in World War II. September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland on September 16 is the Polish government and the high command of the country fled to Romania. Along with them was taken from Poland and gold reserves of the country. Soon he came from Romania to France. France was also gold, the defeated Belgium. After being defeated by France, Polish, Belgian, Dutch part of the gold, and most importantly, the gold reserves of the National Bank of France, which was at the end of May 1940 2 billion 477 million dollars, were taken to the French Africa. In November 1942, the Americans landed in Dakar, in 1943, gold was transported to the U.S. and migrated to the store in Fort Knox. Even before the Americans evacuated Norwegian gold. True, it was not so much before the German occupation, there was no gold at 84 million dollars.

In addition, it should be noted that the gold, silver, and various jewels of Europe, as it were, have flocked to the United States. Their owners, individuals, firms transferred their savings in a safe place - the United States, because the war was raging in Europe. Thus, in October 1939, the U.S. Federal Reserve kept gold worth 17 billion dollars, by February 1940, this amount had already increased to a billion (at that time the dollar was worth something like 25-26 today). Since the beginning of active hostilities in Europe inflow of gold in the United States is even more increased. Thus, only for 10-14 May 1940 in the United States received gold in 46 million dollars. When it became clear that France is doomed thread has grown more - for June 3-4 in the United States received a gold for 500 million dollars.

Must also be the fate of that U.S. firms earned on financing the Third Reich. During the war, the U.S. enriched by supplying arms and munitions to the Allies. When the war ended, the U.S. gave the war ravaged European countries have already borrowed. Europeans for loans to buy U.S. goods. The U.S. economy grew, and get it back again and have already been given to the growth of the younger partners. So, December 6, 1945 between the United States and Britain signed a loan agreement, which entered into force on 15 July 1946. According to it, the British received 3 billion 750 million dollars. Article 6 of the agreement prohibited the UK before 1951 to borrow from other countries and use the money to pay off other loans. The Article 9 prohibits the use of the loan for the purchase of non-US products. U.S. immediately after the entry into force of the Treaty raised the price of their goods. England had lost up to 28% of the loan amount due to the increase in commodity prices. Part of the money was lost due to exchange dollars for pounds (more than 6% of the total).

In 1947, U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall was nominated "European Recovery Program" (Marshall Plan). The plan went into effect in 1948 and covered 17 European countries. In fact, the U.S. put them under its financial and economic control.

Thus, the United States began after World War II, the richest country in the world, after robbing, rob and enslave much of the world. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that for the American financial and industrial groups to actively participate in the preparation and fueling fires first and second world wars. Two world wars have allowed the U.S. to establish financial control over the planet.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Famine in the United States in the 30th years of XX-th century: for and agains

The Internet has long been a dispute over the interpretation of the events that occurred in the U.S. in the thirties of the last century, called by historians of the Great Depression. Beginning of the conflict in the publication under the eloquent title "Famine-up" Boris Borisov, whose work is frequently a source of publicity. Case even came to remove an article from "Wikipedia" as flared "historic flash mob" has caused deep anger and controversy bloggers from across the Web.

Boris Borisov is the author of several controversial historical and economic articles. Unfortunately, we know very little about him. He is a graduate of the Moscow State University and became a businessman, founding the country's one of the first cooperatives. Borisov was later seen in the direction of the Board of Directors of Credit Bank of Moscow.

As a basis for its analysis given in the article arguments Borisov used the official statistics department of the USA, considering the dynamics of the population of the country, statistics on births and deaths, immigration and emigration flows in the period from 1931 to 1940th years. According to our calculations, the arithmetic, he concluded that at constant demographic trends the U.S. population in 1940 was supposed to be about 140 million. In fact, it was equal to $ 133 million to reflect the changes in the dynamics of migration. That is up to 1940, disappeared more than seven million people. And there is no explanation of the authorities to this fact.

In support of his sensational findings Borisov pointed out that the data on population growth in the United States almost immediately fell twice in the late 1930-1931's and the left on this mark for a decade, then returned to the original figure. However, the huge demographic losses can not be explained simply reducing fertility. The idea of ​​hiding the real data during the Great Depression Borisov tempting and that nowhere in the official documents do not explain, they found relatively large statistical fluctuations. Same data on the demographic situation in 1932, the year just do not exist or they are hidden. In later reports, which were compiled by statistical agencies in United States, there are clear allusions to the fraud, which deprives the government allow such action, the right to any credible comments on this issue. Trying to figure out the data from the Americans of the time is like trying to determine the number of dead civilians in Vietnam, Korea or Iraq.

Borisov cited figures obtained by the use of the laws of population statistics show not only as a mass death of people in the U.S. and give the right to claim that the processes occurring in the period under review in the United States can be compared to the famine in the Ukraine in 1932-1933-their years.

Famine in Ukraine from 1932nd to 1933rd years, according to various sources resulted in the deaths of about four million people. Historians and politicians have not yet reached a consensus about the causes of hunger. The official version of the Ukrainian authorities - the desire of Stalin "pacify" the Ukrainians. But it is also an indisputable fact that in 1931 in many parts of the Soviet Union was a crop failure due to drought, and increased grain exports made a very dangerous situation everywhere. In addition the beginning of collectivization in late 1929 led to a mass slaughter of cattle in the years to cattle were dying because of neglect it as a collective property. A similar thing happened in the agricultural collective inventory. The year 1932 was marked by a large decline in food production. Harvesting was carried out with great difficulty and reluctance because of the subsequent confiscation of food from the peasants. Collective leadership steal with impunity, resulting in a disproportionate distribution of food on the ground. Later, to avoid liability, stolen grain thrown in rivers, wells and ravines.
Peak mass death of citizens of Ukraine took place in spring 1933. People ate weeds, cotton seeds, potato peels, dried straw and other surrogates, and meat dogs and cats, dead horses. Everywhere there were cases of cannibalism, murder, family or random people.

The causes of loss of life, according to Boris Borisov, is not only adversity, but also the policy of the government led by Roosevelt for causing mass starvation in the country and unemployment. Indeed, in the early thirties in U.S. history broke out a disaster. With a population of 125 million people, including the elderly and children, by 1933 the number of unemployed th exceeded seventeen million. That is, given the family members, which is about equal to the population of large European countries. Just imagine a fully unemployed in France or England. Terrible realities crisis erupted well illustrated in the works of famous writers, Erskine Caldwell and Horace McCoy.

Another analogy of the events can be made with a carefully concealed by the British government in India, hunger, and the massive loss of life in Bengal in 1943 and it was.

According to historical records, there are about ninety cases of famine during the 2500 year history of India. The widest scope, this phenomenon has reached during the 19th century. According to the medical service of the country in 1933, eating in India starved at least eighty million people. Recent major famines occurred in Bengal in 1943, and eat in Bihar in 1966.
In Bengal, according to various estimates was lost about five percent of the population (three million people). The main cause of hunger in the deaths of rice due to cyclones, floods and fungus in 1942,. At the same time the Japanese occupation of Burma made it impossible food imports. Rumors of rice shortages have led to panic, because of which raised the price of food and the beginning of market speculation. The British administration has the means to help the people of the colonies, however, afraid of the Japanese invasion, decided to use a scorched earth. Government, which began already seeing hunger, only the first half of 1943 were taken out of Bengal, about eighty tons of grain and confiscated about seventy thousand boats of local people. It has destroyed the system of water transport, because Bengali boats used for fishing and delivery of food to markets. Some researchers also suggest that the destruction of the local population and the subsequent famine were planned policy of England as a lesson of the Indian population, who supported the anti-British movement Subhas Bose and the "August Revolution."

Outrage is the fact that, being guilty of the death of a huge number of Americans, the U.S. government does not consider it necessary to raise the subject, but does not allow the possibility to point to the same thing in the same period in the history of the USSR. After all, the U.S. Congress in 1988 raised the issue and accused Russia of genocide against the Ukrainian people, the famine in that country in 1933, and it was. But no one remembers the circumstances in which millions of American farm families (a total of five million people) were forced, deprived of their land and housing, hunger, in my country, covered by mass unemployment and gang violence, in search of at least some of . This process Borisov calls "defarmingom", drawing an analogy with the Soviet "dispossession." People were on their own, and the vaunted American democracy peacefully watched their suffering. Insurance program support of the population was already established after a large number of people, mostly elderly, have died of starvation.

But the U.S. government has destroyed surplus food that was not profitable just donated to the needy, because it contributed to further erosion of the market. So were destroyed crops on ten million acres of land, scored six and a half million pigs, which could help save the starving in that difficult period for them. Grain buried, burned and drowned in the ocean.

Public administration and civil works created labor camps, once taking up to three million people. However, according to Borisov, ostensibly organized to help the starving unemployed public works were actually hard labor in harsh conditions uninhabited, marshy areas, payment for which was just ridiculous. So out of thirty dollars, which was the last month to get each new person, by the hand he was given only a sixth of the remaining after deduction of all taxes.

Minister of the Interior U.S. at the time was a certain Mr. Ickes, which Borisov calls "American Beria." In those difficult years for America, he led the organization of public works. This man sent to special camps for unemployed two million people who were held there in hellish conditions, and then at the beginning of World War II, with a straight face, has initiated the establishment of concentration camps, which were driven ethnic Japanese from all over America. The first phase of a lightning operation, supported the army lasted only seventy-two hours. The high mortality rate in the camps for the unemployed from the stories of participants in those events stemmed from poor conditions of the people. Workers are often not able to even keep the rain because of the overflow barracks.

Harold Ickes LeKleyr was born in 1874 in Pennsylvania. Since graduating from the University of Chicago labor lawyer by profession, was in the staff of the newspaper "Chicago record" reporter. Later decided to go into the practice of law and at the same time to go into politics as an independent Republican. Harold's career went up sharply after the U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt won. March 4, 1933 the year he was appointed secretary for internal affairs in the office of a new President and a member of the National Administration, to rebuild the economy of the country. In May 1941, Ickes was responsible for the safety of the national resources of the U.S., coordinating their work under the guise of national defense needs. Summer of 1943 on, he headed the oil reserves of the Corporation of America. In his own words the main merit preservation believed U.S. oil reserves for future generations. After coming to power Truman authority Ickes staggered and 1942nd he retired completely leaving politics. He died in 1952, in Washington.

In their critiques Boris Borisov urges Russians to start the reply "information attack" on the harsh words of the American Congress regarding mismanagement and failures of the Soviet leadership led to serious economic consequences and famine in the thirties of the last century. Calling the government regimes Hoover-Roosevelt "blood" and calling their policies to as "humanitarian crime", the author proposes to pinpoint the "information fire" on the weak points in U.S. policy, which has accumulated plenty in American history.
However, you should consider and the main arguments of the opponents of Borisov, who considered it a point of view unacceptable and absurd. In their view, the situation in the U.S. was by no means so terrible, and artificially exaggerated the number of victims in the historical process. The comparison of the events of the Stalin period, they did find offensive. When the economic situation in the U.S. has been a disaster, the government has severely restricted the entry of foreigners into the country, promoting the exodus of its citizens abroad. This has led to a significant decrease in population, and the difference between immigration flows in the twenties and thirties of 3.6 million people. Moreover, according to the census birth rates in the United States did not undergo major changes those relied on by Borisov. Number of babies born during the escalation of the crisis was indeed much lower than in previous periods. However, this is due to the fact that a reasonable person in a situation of instability will think twice about whether to have children. That is, these changes in the statistics are quite natural fertility across the country and is not associated with high infant mortality.

Borisov opponents do not deny that serious problems exist in the U.S. of course. The decline of the market as the result of unbridled monetary policy, the initial non-intervention, and then ignorant rude intrusion of the state in the unstable economic processes have caused a rapid increase in the number of unemployed. According to the data of the period in some major cities of unemployed by the total working population reached fifty and even eighty percent! Moreover, all attempts by the government to help those who suffer overlap reverse action in the form of increased duties, taxes and reduce tariffs on agricultural products.

But even under these conditions was observed that the number of starving to death as the result of calculations Boris Borisov. Even if the government tried to hide this information, she would have leaked through the communist organization that existed illegally in the U.S.. Information about mass starvation would be transferred necessarily valid in the U.S. territory of Soviet reconnaissance and made public in the USSR. However, the material does not exist, on the contrary, there is evidence that even in the most difficult times, people tried to help each other and are able to provide their families with food and basic necessities.

Giving readers the opportunity to make their own conclusions, I want to remind the wise words of the American philosopher George Santayana that those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Eighty years later, the U.S. ruling circles continue to step on the same rake and continue to make mistakes that are made during the depression study Roosevelt, bringing the country to a catastrophe.

Also fair to say that modern historians reject methods of research, based on an assessment of demographic losses due to non-linearity of demographic processes and their dependence on the mass of factors. This in turn calls into question the estimates obtained in this way the "victims of communism" issued by the American researchers and the world death toll from famine in the Ukraine officially recognized by our authorities.

90 years ago appeared on the world map of the USSR

90 years ago appeared on the world map of the USSR (Red Empire). December 29, 1922 at the conference of delegations from the four congresses of Soviets republics of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, was signed the Treaty establishing the USSR. December 30, 1922 it was approved by the First Congress of Soviets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). So it was legally formalized the creation of the new state.

Union has not existed for 70 years and, on 8 December 1991, the officials and the heads of government of three Soviet republics: Boris Yeltsin and Gennady Burbulis (RSFSR), Stanislav Shushkevich and Vyacheslav Kebich (Belarus), Leonid Kravchuk and Witold Fokin (Ukraine), finally it destroyed by signing the so-called. Belovezhskoe Agreement (Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States). The document stated that "the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a subject of international law and a geopolitical reality ceases to exist." It was an unmitigated disaster, with consequences that affect our lives to date. In essence, the body of "Great Russia", was torn to pieces. Outside of the "Russia" were such its important holy cities as Polotsk, Brest, Minsk, Kiev, Chernigov, Poltava, Sevastopol, and many others. Single superethnos Russes was divided into three artificial parts, hundreds of thousands, millions of Rus and Russian-speaking people (people who became Russian in spirit, received the Russian language and Russian culture as their own) remained in the "independent" states. East and West were jubilant, their main geopolitical adversary on the planet almost killed himself. Tens of millions of people have been victims of a handful of traitors, predators dream "privatize" public property. Riotous color bloomed parochial Nazism in Russian written off all the possible and impossible sins. Direct and indirect methods of genocide - alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, crime and sexual revolution and the destruction of cultural, social and economic infrastructure, etc., were brought to the grave, millions of people, millions became the spiritual, intellectual and physical disabled. Unfortunately, the legal assessment of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and other criminals have not yet been given.

For two decades, the former Soviet Union do not actually appear independent, self-sufficient. We've only seen the degradation of national and political "elites". In virtually every public education has several clans of families who own the key sectors of the economy. Around these families thousands of the "elite" who are involved in political and economic activities, moving from post to post. As a result, instead of addressing the issues concerning the well-being of people who live in the territory of the former Soviet republics, there is only the process of placing on the playing field "families." Intraspecific competition flatly rejects any possibility of solving problems of national importance. A main objective of this level, which is currently before the peoples of Russian civilization - an association, reunion, the threat of extinction from the planet Earth. The current global systemic crisis is the fact that the blocks are formed, who will fight for the lead in the world to come and just survival - is the Islamic world (divided into three main centers of power - the Sunni Arab monarchies, Shia Iran and Turkey), India, China, Japan , Latin America and the West. Russia to become a center of power necessary to carry out the process of reunification, at least with Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, and offer the world a new concept of development. This concept should be different from the west - the vampire, slave.

That is why most of the fragments of the USSR national are in constant crisis. They are artificial. The coming storm will destroy them. Some debris will be part of China, the "Great Caliphate" and will share further. For their current "elite" new integration - it's suicide, because they are anti-national in nature. You must always remember that the interests of ordinary citizens of Ukraine, Moldova and Tajikistan, differ radically from the motives of the "elite."

We must remember that the Soviet Union was a state that ahead of his time. This was the world's first socialist state in which such a system has been created, where each person had the opportunity to fully realize their potential, their intellectual, creative, physical abilities, and to accrue for reasonable needs. Unfortunately, only after the collapse of the Soviet Union, people began to realize that the West and East are not so good as it seemed, but in the Soviet Union was an opportunity for all (!) Get a free education, secondary and higher education, to become a scientist, get free sports, music education , to paint. A large percentage of people can get a free (!) Housing. Social lifts worked when people of modest, "workers 'and peasants' families could" come up in the world. " The system of secondary and higher education was one of the best in the world. Entire generations grew up in safety, as they are protected by the mighty Soviet army. There was no mass addiction besot media exposure, which breeds a generation of "new barbarians." Has grown whole group of young people who do not know any history of Russia-Russia, or classic literature, no painting and classical music, but the cynical and cruel, brought up on the western pseudoculture (their "heroes" degeneratki such as Madonna and Gaga.) Children in kindergarten get up in the "Spider-Man" and "Batman," and not Ilya Muromtsev and Vasilisa the Wise. We can say that the process of decomposition of youth successfully completed, the nation on the brink of death.

People stole faith in the future, confidence in the future. Obviously, this hope can only socialism. Capitalism - it's just a modern form of the slave system. Only the socialist system will help put the country in order to stop the chaos and lawlessness. It is clear that it was in the Soviet Union and the bad, but good, kind was much higher. Modern Russia is moving in the future is to take the best of what was the Soviet Union.

Historical information. Formation of the USSR

The collapse of the Russian Empire and the effects of the Civil War set for the winners to the establishment of a new unified administrative-territorial system. Required the centralization and unification of the economic complex of pre-revolutionary empire to restore the devastated economy. By that time, the share of the Russian Federation accounted for 92% of the country and its population was about 70% in the USSR created. The remaining 8% were from other Soviet republics, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Transcaucasian Federation (it joined in 1922, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan). Also still there Far Eastern Republic, managed from Chita and Khorezm and Bukhara People's Republic in Central Asia.

In June 1919, the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine, in order to strengthen the centralization and concentration of resources to victory in the Civil War, joined the union. This made it possible to combine the armed forces, to introduce a centralized command - Commander of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR and the Red Army. From each of the republics of the public authorities have been delegated representatives. In addition, the agreement provided for a number of republican subordination of industry, transport and finance relevant national commissariat RSFSR. Was created so-called. "Contractual federation". Its feature was the fact that the Russian Federation authorities were able to act as the sole representative of the supreme power of the state. At the same time the Republican Communist Party entered the composition of the RCP (b) is actually a regional party organizations.

However, the collapse of the Russian Empire and the Civil War gave rise to strong separatist and centrifugal forces. This quickly led to differences between the control center in Moscow and the republican authorities. The benefit of a good prerequisite for conflict: the republic was officially independent, but de facto, having delegated his main powers, the republican authorities have been unable to make their own decisions. This situation and the uncertainty in determining the boundaries of powers between the center and the republics were grounds for confusion and conflict. Sometimes the conflict is and the center, to make decisions, not taking into account the local context. Often the solutions center in economy overlooked, in the republics, which led to their sabotage. Therefore, in August 1922, to change the situation radically, the Politburo and the Central Committee of the Organization Bureau of the RCP (b) raised the issue of "the relationship of the RSFSR and the independent republics." Established an ad hoc committee, which included representatives of the republic, led by Valerian Kuibyshev. This commission is mandated to draft Joseph Stalin "autonomy" republics. Supposed to include the RSFSR with the rights of autonomous republic Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. In fact, the republic had to enter in the USSR on the same rights as Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and other regions, which has been generally true, equating all people. The draft was circulated for approval by the republics, it was thought that this is just a formality. Stalin, given the significant curtailment of rights of the republics, suggested not to use the common practice of publication of the decision of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) if it is accepted. However, the Republican Central Committee demanded strictly implement the decision of Moscow.

Vladimir Lenin, took ignoring independence and self-government entities in the State, while strengthening the role of the center, as a violation of the principle of proletarian internationalism. In September 1922, he proposed a plan to create a single state on the principles of the federation. Initially it was proposed to name the new state "Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia." According to Lenin, the multinational state had to build on the principle of equality and independence, neighborliness, parity, openness, respect and mutual assistance in the general government of the federation. Each republic had to make a conscious choice. Given the global and Russian situation, it was a set of good intentions that have nothing to do with the realities of life.

It should be noted that the national question under the rule of the Bolsheviks was greatly confused. Here conflicting interests statist and nationalist separatists, Trotskyites internationalists. National issue was in charge not only Commissar for Nationalities (they had Stalin), but also the national department of the Central Executive Committee. In fact, the legislative prerogative and right to determine the national borders belonged All. In spring 1918, the structure was adopted, in which different peoples have autonomy within Russia. The principles of the autonomy elaborated by Stalin, but he had a lot of time given to the war, and leaders of the All Burst Transfer. In fact, they acted in the interests of "financial International" (the world behind the scenes, whose protege was Trotsky and other prominent figures of the Bolshevik Party), encouraging nationalism at the expense of the Russian people and the Russian state. There were constant flirtations with various Caucasian, Crimean, Tatar, Bashkir and other nationalists. Thus, the pan-recognized allies against the Whites. They, like the "revolutionary Highlanders' transferred significant areas, settling and development of Russian. Stalin had to make a big effort to stop the most outspoken of the process leading to the collapse. In particular, in 1920, was crossed by the attempt to establish a separate "Muslim" Communist Party. The concept of "autonomy" was limited to internal self-government, administrative and cultural issues. The problem was with the republics that political considerations helped to keep the "independence."

Formed two main centers of separatism - Georgia and Ukraine. Thus, even while merging the Transcaucasian republics into one Transcaucasian Federation, the Georgian government took this decision with hostility. The leaders of the Georgian Communist Party - Mdivani, Makharadze, Svanidze and others have opposed the reunification process, put forward the idea of ​​building "their own", especially socialism. Another center of resistance was the Ukrainian leadership - Rakowski, Petrovsky, Antonov. Here the main cause of resistance was not even nationalism, and the desire of local leaders to rule themselves, for fun. Therefore, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan supported the project of Stalin, but Georgia and Ukraine were strongly opposed. And they do not even insist on a project of federation, which offered Lenin, and the confederation. General were to remain only defense and border protection (in fact Russia is offering to protect and defend the independence of the state).

He wrote that the idea of ​​"autonomy" of the breed "haste and administration passion Stalin and his spite against the notorious" social-nationalism. " Reasonable arguments about the restoration of a unified national economy, the equality of all peoples in a single state leader of the proletariat dismissed. For Lenin, the principal were plans for "world revolution." He still believed that socialism could only win in the world. Therefore, the new socialist republics were to get the opportunity to enter into an "alliance of equals", the idea of ​​entering the Russian Federation, they would hardly have liked. Stalin was forced to yield. Won up Lenin's formula: "a formal union with the USSR in the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia." This contradictory posing a great threat formula adopted by the plenary session of the Central Committee of October 6, 1922.

However, the controversy did not end on this. In Tiflis, this decision caused violent protests. Chairman of the Caucasian Bureau of the PKK (b) Ordzhonikidze was forced to party discipline for insubordination remove offenders from their posts, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia in full was dismissed. Moscow has become swamped with complaints on him. Add and scandal Kabahidze who accused Ordzhonikidze in corruption and got in the face. To investigate the conflict in Moscow set up a commission headed by F. Dzerzhinsky. It is no crime and was not found on the side of Ordzhonikidze. The Georgian leadership has been subjected to harsh criticism.

Lenin tried again to side spoilers to punish "the perpetrators of the collision," to eliminate the possibility of infringement of the independence of the republics. However, progressive disease did not allow him to do so. In the night of 16 December, Lenin was a second stroke. It became apparent that the role of a full-fledged leader, he lost. December 30th I opened the Congress of Soviets, which adopted the Declaration on the Establishment of the USSR, signed a treaty of alliance. Stalin declared: "Today is a day of celebration of the new Russia ... turned the red flag of the flag of the party in the flag state ...". The Union entered Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Transcaucasian Federation. The contracts were the responsibilities of the central and republican authorities. Entrusts the center of foreign policy and trade, national security, transportation, communications and finance. All other issues are under authority of the national government. The supreme body of the Union was proclaimed All-Union Congress of Soviets. In the period between congresses, the supreme power belonged to the USSR Central Committee, which was established two chambers - the Federal Council and the Council of Nationalities. CEC Chairman elected Kalinin, co were GI Petrovskii, NN Narimanov, AG worm. Chief Executive - the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was Lenin.

Establishment of the Union has allowed to accumulate and concentrate all resources to eliminate the consequences of the civil war. This has contributed to the development of culture and the economy, has allowed to allocate funds to the most affected areas and least developed regions. Centre trying to evenly develop the republic, so the territory of the Russian Federation in the republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus have been moved some of their production to the provision of highly skilled labor force. Construction of the USSR on the basis of common standards for a positive impact on development in the Republic of areas of life, such as culture, education and health. In the 1920-1930-s everywhere to build schools, health centers, open theaters, other cultural and art, developed media and literature.