Roman empire ruined demagogues. They ruined and the United States, dressed up in their looks hegemon. Money for bread (now the social benefits), cheap or free entertainment (from comic books and computer toys to TV), deception impoverished masses against the background of the enrichment of those who has stuck like a leech to the treasury - all this is typical for ancient Rome, and for contemporary United States. Decimus Junius Juvenal, the satirical poet, who lived in the first century AD, with contempt criticized the Roman citizens who have forgotten about the responsibility and duty, and to sell their votes in exchange for irresponsible politicians are often not even for bread and circuses, but only on their promises. Policy decaying Rome could manage based on reason and seeking long-term sustainability of the state, but instead chose to demonstrative formalism. They removed the advantages of fooling the majority of citizens and used as handouts for mobile free food and public performances, competitions and ceremonies - all this just for the sake of power. Fall of the Roman Empire took centuries and was characterized by the gradual loss of a population of civic virtues that allowed demagogues to retain power. Then, the power in the decrepit empire passed into the hands of the barbarians.
By weakening Rome led what plebeians distracted state through gratuitous entertainment , and the upper classes were enriched, stayed in luxury and led a life of luxury. Public approval and support of the Roman leaders simply bought. It was not an exemplary public service, but the diversion of ignorant masses from the problems and the satisfaction of their basic needs and desires. Among the latest mobile especially liked the circus games and feeding Christians to the lions. It comes and free bread. Politicians, meanwhile, looted empire.
History repeats itself, regardless of the technology, the discovery of resources and political dynamics, which would seem to change the nature of society. As the author writes, human weakness, greed, lust for power, the love of money, the desire of conquest persist for centuries. Corruption, arrogance, embezzlement, imperialism and the collapse of civil society led to the final destruction of the Roman Empire, and this process, only to a greater degree, is repeated again today. The American empire is about to burn!
Grounds of Western society collapse under a mountain of debt constant pressure generated by dishonest games bankers and corrupt politicians who do everything just to maintain and expand its dominance by waging wars. Recklessness, short-sightedness, greed, ignorance, selfish disregard for the interests of those generations that were not yet born - that's what today is characterized by this "modern empire," writes online publicist.
In his view, the rapid ruin of the Roman Empire contributed to the successors of Augustus. Shocking the reign of Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero reflects the true nature of the Roman people, to exchange freedom for the authority of state administrators, who in exchange for absolute authority given to citizens grub and the circus. This was the beginning of the end, the author rightly notes.
American Republic started as a loose confederation of states that have ruled the citizens with little or no direction given by the central government. Articles of Confederation, ratified in 1781 by thirteen states, limit the powers of the central government. Confederation Congress could make decisions, but it is not for this lack of enforcement powers: the implementation of most decisions require the unanimous approval of all thirteen state legislatures. Later, after the victory in the War of Independence, the Constitution was adopted the United States, which has shifted power to the state center. In 1789, was ratified by the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted in 1791 (for the protection of individual liberties and justice for all). Their purpose was that, in order to protect citizens from the authoritarian federal government. However, these imperfect acts can protect the rights of the American people, only in the case if they apply morally clean, fair, incorruptible, noble leaders; In addition, these leaders must maintain educated, concerned and active citizens.
As in the Roman Empire, the quality of leadership in the United States has deteriorated sharply in the last two centuries. Now it has dropped to "shockingly low." The current leaders - the mirror of the people that gave up their pursuit of knowledge, to account for his life, for the work ethic, to a belief in freedom and the Constitution.
From year to year the presidents seek to manipulate people with a vacuum instead of brains. During the 225-year existence of the United States have been phasing out the citizens of freedom and an increasing subordination to the central government, and continue to increase its power.
Beginning of the end of the American empire author refers to 1913, when the private banking interests subdued monetary system of the empire by creating the Federal Reserve System. Power of the central state strengthened with the introduction of the tax on income that allowed politicians to bribe their constituents modern "bread and circuses" that paid money taken away from them as "under the gun" by the central government.
Century activities of the American central bank, which was accompanied by a high tax burden for the people, coincided with the century of wars, depressions, embezzlement, excessive ("obscene") level of consumer debt, in trillions of debt of the state and a steady decline in the standard of living of the masses.
America is not taken into account the lessons of history, the author points out. "We repeated the mistakes committed by the Romans."
"The American empire will not be destroyed by external force: it is too keen on suicide."
The current corporate oligarchs and their chosen politicians consider themselves somehow heroes. Their excessive pride and arrogance matched only by ignorance and credulity susceptible to the propaganda of the masses.
The author does not believe that the United States will live up to its third century. Empire born, dying empire, and the American empire - is no exception. The spirit of independence, idealism, self-reliance, entrepreneurship, knowledge search and goodwill towards our fellow citizens, who raised a young country, now gave way to servility, cynicism, living on unemployment benefits, pyramid schemes, voluntary ignorance, short-sightedness of their own interests. Lowering of morale of the American nation is reflected in the lower quality of those leaders who were elected during the last century. Americans renounced their own civil liability and lost corrupt financiers and politicians seeking only power. Current presidents
consider themselves "god-like emperors" like "vile Roman emperors."
1980 was a turning point: the American nation surrendered to the financiers and lost control of himself to the bankers on Wall Street, the military-industrial complex and billionaires-globalizers. Deformed society at that time and finally passed on the model of savings, investment in fixed assets and the production of goods to borrowing, speculative games and finally to the consumer society, to build powerful corporate and banking institutions on debt and speculation.
The peak of this madness came in the year 2000 where the road then began to decline and decay. Now this road is "littered with the corpses of living of the middle class" and "in the truest sense of corpses of men, women and children around the world, the bodies of people killed during the incessant imperial conquest."
The ruling elite feels a sense of futility and realizes his folly, writes in conclusion, the author, but "its insatiable appetite for wealth, power, triumph and glory blinded her and leads to devastating consequences." Thus, a comparison not only of the historical path of ancient Rome to the decline and decay, but a comparison of the rulers of that era with the modern American leaders led the author to think about the collapse of the United States no later than a few decades.
It remains only to answer the question of who will be the American Nero. Venture to suggest that the throne in Washington sits Neroniha - Mrs. Clinton.