Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation

Get far away from USA...its collapse will be messy: Jeff Berwick

Cash in sending

Volunteers Stringer international investigations bureau recently toured Afghanistan - on " the ruined country." They wanted to understand what the White House has created in Afghanistan almost one hundred billion investment. The reason for the visit was the publication of the report of the Special inspection services for the reconstruction of Afghanistan to the U.S. government . It was there that flashed astronomical sum : for 12 years the United States has invested in the reconstruction of Afghanistan's 96.6 billion U.S. It's not about the content of U.S. troops , and the restoration of the Afghan economy . Turns out you can seriously talk about the huge corruption component in the activities of " reducing ". Special inspection services for the reconstruction of Afghanistan (SIGAR) was established under the Government of the United States in 2008 - when it became clear that the invested money stolen. The first performance of the SIGAR showed only every fourth investigation accused - Afghans . In other cases, Americans appear . "The fact is that to get a contract from the U.S. government can only be a company registered in the United States - says the executive director of the Public Committee for the Fight against Corruption « Integrity Watch Afghanistan » Yama Torabi . - And when the U.S. government gives U.S. companies a contract , it does not care and does not check who will actually perform the work and how subcontractors will be hired . As a result, the primary contractors incredibly overpriced price - more than 10 times ! If we can construct a building for 200 thousand dollars , the contract will be written, that cost is estimated at 2 million. Then there is the usual scheme - primary contractor passes first contract to a subcontractor , who transmits the second and so on ... So , 3/4 money ends up in someone's pockets , even before reaching the country. " In an example of the investigation SIGAR hospital in Gardez . Its construction was delayed for two years , but it does not prevent the contractor to spend money on operating costs , including fuel , which is purchased for $ 500 per gallon , while the market price of 5 dollars. One of the hospitals had to put on equipment and medicines for 41 million dollars. But doctors have received goods only 1 million. However, the investigation was at a standstill : the American military suddenly lost 6,000 documents just 40 million . But the case of 700 million , which also got up to investigate. This fuel supplies for the army and police. The U.S. military took so burned accounts , explaining his actions by saying that passing the region under control of the Afghan army and police, they have to destroy the documentation. Maybe someone still expose ? " Gets only an idiot - meets Yama Torabi . - For example, I remember a case where a lady , U.S. Army soldiers , forged accounts for 1 million dollars and just caught because cash sent home in parcels . And another American contractor asked to transfer $ 50,000 to the account of his wife ... " Against this background, Afghan President Hamid Karzai regularly promises to fight corruption ... In the October 2013 presidential contender Daud Sultanzoy Afghanistan said that if the Taliban want the Americans to leave Afghanistan , they should allow conscientious candidates to replace the corrupt government in power . However, the same Sultanzoy convinced that the international community through the United States, the European Union and NATO can rig the election results in Afghanistan. " If the West and its allies in Afghanistan will stand on the side of the corrupt authorities and try to replace them with similar corrupt government , it is , of course, be able to do . However, such a move would not only fail to stability , but will respond with negative consequences for the U.S. and NATO in the future "- said the candidate. The fact is that after the election people can "crowd" to gush into the ranks of the Taliban, and "the country will become a source of instability ." American MIC considers Afghanistan as one of their estates . Industrialists will do everything for the rigging of elections in the country . Golden stream should not end . "Independent observers" in 2014 will try to sit on the throne another puppet in order to continue profitable speculation and fraud , cranks actually undercover state. Will be developed in parallel and drug trafficking : because the military is not responsible for the drugs. Not their problem , they say it publicly . Result: if Afghanistan in 2012 produced 80% of the opium poppy in the world and significantly expanded the " acreage ", the UN reported this year alone 90% of the Afghan opium poppy on the planet. What will happen next year ? Ninety-five , one hundred percent? Opium monopoly in the planetary scale? Afghanistan - a comfortable area to enrich the most unscrupulous American businessmen who cover the Pentagon and virtually nepodsudnyh . American corruption quickly caught on and flourished in a country with an already rich experience of corruption . Should not therefore be surprised that Obama is not only not in a hurry to withdraw its troops from the country , but even met in 2014 to increase funding for the reconstruction of Afghanistan by 23%. Next , the "primary contractors ' !

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

M16, AK47 and The three-way Mosin rifle

M16 - Under the magnifying glass to melt the butt
AK47 - Under the magnifying glass you can see still working instead of grease dirt Vietnamese
 The three-way Mosin rifle- Under the magnifying glass you can see the blood of impregnated wood

M16 - the wedge when dirty
AK47 - Works when dirty
The three-way Mosin rifle - was not clear from the issue of the troops in the 1932nd

M16 - Hundreds of moving parts , held together by dozens of bolts and screws
AK47 - A couple dozen moving parts , held by a handful of rivets and seams ugly drunk Russian welder
The three-way Mosin rifle - three moving parts , the two screws .

M16 - You are going to die, something to smash his expensive rifle in melee
AK47 - your gun can be a good fight back in melee (not yet bring up ammo )))
The three-way Mosin rifle - your rifle - it's a cool spear with the ability to shoot ) )

M16 - if the striker fails , you recover the rifle to the factory for warranty
AK47 - if the firing pin is broken , you vstvlyaete nail and continue to shoot ) )
The three-way Mosin rifle - If the firing pin breaks , you spin it for a couple of turns on the gate of the

M16 - more difficult than in the production of many of the aircraft
AK47 - Used countries which do not have the money for planes
The three-way Mosin rifle - From her aircraft shot down

Favorite drink holder
M16 - Cognac
AK47 - Vodka
The three-way Mosin rifle - Brake fluid , fused on the frozen scrap

M16 - Make a small hole , all neatly in accordance with the Geneva Convention
AK47 - Make a big hole , sometimes tears off a limb, does not meet the Geneva Convention
The three-way Mosin rifle - One of the reasons for the creation of the Geneva Convention

M16 - excellent shoots small rodents
AK47 - excellent shoots enemies of the revolution
The three-way Mosin rifle - excellent shoots light technique

M16 - got into the river, stops working
AK47 - got into the river, still shoots
 The three-way Mosin rifle- got into the river, usually used as a paddle

M16 - Guns for Defense
AK47 - Weapons to attack
 The three-way Mosin rifle- Weapons of Victory !

M16 - the grenade launcher is heavy, but it can put a grenade through the window of 200 meters
AK47 - If anything, the grenade from the grenade launcher can be thrown out the window by hand
The three-way Mosin rifle - grenade through the window ? Bay through a wall socket punches almost meter brick

M16 - You can put a silencer , a small cartridge does not give a lot of sound
AK47 - In principle it is possible to put the muffler, but better to just push the enemy to the ground sustained fire
The three-way Mosin rifle - Why silencer when, after the first shot all in any deaf ?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin from the American pastor Scott Lively." Excellent and insightful article

Open letter to the famous spiritual leader of America , JD and theology , the pastor Scott Lively to Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in which he thanked the President for our firm stand against the fascist pederasts and homosexuals and expressed the hope that Russia will provide a wall that will protect the civilized world from the invasion of the Nazis and gomofashistov seeking to commit genocide of humanity for the sake of their own lusts , perversions and degrading passions .

Open letter to President Vladimir Putin.

August 30, 2013
President Vladimir Putin
The Russian Federation
23 , st. Ilyinka
Moscow, 103123 , Russia

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of millions of Americans and Canadians are concerned about the spread of homosexuality in our countries and at the international level , which seems unstoppable , I would like to respectfully express my heartfelt gratitude for the fact that your people has taken a firm and unequivocal stand against this scourge , prohibiting in Russia the promotion of homosexuality . You have revealed an example of moral leadership to shame the governments of Western Europe and North America, and inspired people around the world. Lithuania , Moldova , Hungary and Ukraine have already begun to follow the example of your integrity, and you have given the international movement profamily real hope that , in the end, we will be able to put an end to this destructive and dehumanizing sexual campaigns around the world.

As one of the most experienced leaders profamily movement , who came to your country in 2006 and 2007 . and that which is behind the policies that you make , I want to warn you - do not assume that you are completely solved the problem of the introduction of the Act. Battle aimed at protecting society from your gomoseksuaizatsii just started, and you will be surprised in the coming months and years how aggressively many world leaders will act to intimidate and force you to capitulate to the demands of homosexuals.

Few political movements in the history of mankind has such tenacity and determination as the homosexual movement . Its activists often relentless militancy and zeal in promoting their own selfish interests, comparable only with the determination of the most fanatical religious cults. Light on what spirit is behind this movement throws the Bible , Genesis . 19 , 4-11 .

In just fifty years, this marginal group , which covers only 2% of the population , showing great strength of will and acting through deterrence , gained more influence in the legislatures and courts of the Western world than the Christian Church . Sexual behavior that indicates these people and this move was almost universally prohibited by law in the years when our nations fought together against the threat of Nazism. However , slightly more than half a century later , the leaders of homosexuals and their supporters hold a majority of positions of power in all western countries , as well as increase its influence in the east and in the developing countries.

To your society was ready to recognize the efforts of the militant homosexual movement and confront them , it is important to realize that his outreach policy almost always relies on the assertion that any disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred , violence and murder of homosexuals. All progomoseksualnye approaches in the U.S. and Europe rely on this unspoken and no one has disputed , but on anything not worth the argument . Thus, the homosexual movement seeks not only to tolerance or acceptance , but for political power and control. They want to eliminate any in your society 's disapproval of homosexuality and force every citizen (especially young people) to believe that homosexual behavior is a good and normal.

They are asking for a place under the sun, but when they get it , they forget about all those social ideals, who exploited to get it, such as tolerance , freedom of expression and respect for cultural diversity . Instead, they entered the opposite , forcibly encouraged by top morality and ideology , which condemn any disapproval of homosexuality and are novoizmyshlennym kind of fanaticism . I call this phenomenon " gomofashizmom " and define it as extremely regressive left radicalism , seeking to establish strict authoritarian control over public discourse and public policy with regard to sexual norms . It seeks to impose on those who do not agree with him because of his beliefs , punitive measures by which to be punished or suppressed any disapproval of homosexuality and the like sexual behavior (which is , of course , although this is denied , quickly lead to sexual indoctrination and exploitation of children).

In the coming months and years, Russia and her people to a heightened emotionality and offensive exaggerations portrayed as bigoted haters , eager to exterminate homosexuals. The propaganda campaign on this subject has already begun - the video clip showing Russian neo-Nazis who beat gay, distributed on the internet , accompanied by false claims that it is the goal of your policy . The same propaganda machine and the methodology used against Uganda in 2009, the year in this country has been proposed (but not adopted ) bill against homosexuality , which , I agree, was too harsh, but that does not mean the part of the Ugandan government intentions to eradicate homosexuals - and that's what still claim "gay" activists and their allies in the press.

In fact, the rhetoric of " gay ", which equates homosexuality resistance to genocide , like the Nazi - is, in part , an attempt to hide the ugly roots of the current movement of gay dating back to prednatsistskoy Germany. German fascism was created and promoted by gay men , male -oriented model of homosexuality as a reaction to the " effeminate " model of homosexuality , in which it was believed that gay men - it's feminine soul enclosed in a male bodies . Beginning in the 1860s . " Femy " followers of the forefather of the gay rights movement , Karl Heinrich Ulrichs , created in Germany a powerful social and political movement aimed at the abolition of the laws against sodomy .

Offended by the fact that male homosexuality is constantly described as femineity focused on the male image of " Buchi " created their own movement based on a philosophy of man's worship of the military beginning, symbolized by ancient Sparta. These were the first German fascists , and from their ranks came first korichnevorubashechnye protagonists of the First World War , and later the Nazi Party . This fact is documented in detail in my book "Blue swastika : homosexuality in the Nazi Party ," which I wrote in 1995, together with the scientist Kevin E. Abrams .

By this cover letter I am attaching a copy of the "Blue Swastika " ( fourth edition ), in English , with my and my co-author autographs. Soon to be completed long process of publishing the book in Russian , and we promise that devote Russian edition of "Blue swastika " to the government of Russia and its people. We would be honored to send you a copy of the first Russian edition.

Once again, thank you, Mr. President, for you stand firm on the protection of the natural family , which is the essential foundation of all human civilization. Perhaps because of the example of your leadership , united people of good will in our community and your country will again be able joint efforts to protect the future of mankind from the fascist Leviathan , as we have already done this during the Second World War.


Pastor Scott Lively , Doctor of Law and Doctor of Theology ,
Defend the Family International
PO Box 2373
Springfield, MA 01101 USA

Saturday, August 24, 2013

"Dog special flight" can not even believe it! America, go to work!

Our president stands accused of excessive luxury. Given the situation that is the head of state, such a surplus of the good life he is quite acceptable. But even in this situation there are limits beyond which you can not move, otherwise you can not stop to be taken seriously as a politician.
President Obama is vacationing on the island of Martha's Vineyard, where he and his family were taken by special plane Air Force plane number one, but, obviously, in spite of an area of ​​4 thousand square feet, aboard the presidential special liner  there was no place for a dog cry of Bo Obama. Dog flying private charter flight.
For the protection of the president on the island need a separate room, someone has to carry the president's collection of basketballs and a dog - needs her own special liner .Bo, the presidential dog, arrived separately at one of two special liner  Em-Vee-22 Osprey.
First Osprey brought the U.S. president on leave. At the request of the government clearinghouse Ospreya flight hour costs 11 thousand dollars. Osprey usually used for military operations, and not as a taxi for the presidential dog.
America, go to work!

Friday, August 9, 2013


1.Tank T-34. This tank by the world community as the best medium tank of the Second World War. And the silence is an outstanding achievement of the Soviet military-industrial complex no one can.

2. KV tank. Even the Germans declared it the best heavy tank of the first half of the second world war and that the Germans could not knock out any one of his anti-tank gun. They have balanced their chances in heavy tanks only with the release of their heavy tanks series "Tiger" and "Panther".

3. JS-2. The best heavy tank end of the second world war, which could not compete even fascist "Tigers" of all modifications. Reluctantly, this fact is recognized by the majority of foreign experts.

4. Yak-3 fighter. The best lightweight fighter of World War II according to many foreign experts. In their tactical and technical qualities superior to any fighter at the time.

5. Soviet atomic bomb, which the Soviet Union did in just two years, almost empty place. We can talk about what they say, took the atomic bomb project from the Americans. Say, if you have nothing better to do. Paper with drawings - this one, and the finished object in the form of a nuclear weapon - is quite another.
Now drawings atomic charge can be taken online. Take it and do it! Who's stopping you? However, it will not work. Because of its production is necessary to create the appropriate scientific and technical production base. And this base should be created in the war-ravaged country. And the Soviet people under the leadership of the Soviet government and its Communist Party has created such a base. But for some reason there is no monument to this outstanding feat of the Soviet people.

6. The hydrogen bomb, which the USSR did the first in the world, ahead of the Americans, who have started to work on it much earlier and worked for almost ten years. And the Soviet Union got its forty-ninth year on the war-torn land. That's how powerful potential possessed Soviet civilization, if was able to like the impossible?

7. The world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk. As a model of peaceful uses of the atom. Americans have nuclear bombs and nuclear submarines were doing, and the USSR's took, using atomic power plant launched himself ahead of the rich, oily and never fought on its territory America.

8. The world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker. Another example of peaceful Soviet approach to the use of nuclear energy in the world.

9. The world's first earth satellite. It was a terrible blow to the prestige and the psychology of Americans. And they found that the success of the Soviet accident.

10. But then followed the launch of the world's first high-end living beings in the cosmos, the dogs Belka and Strelka, and return them to the ground.

11. And then something happened which Americans still can not just turn up the world's first cosmonaut, a citizen of the Soviet Union Yuri Gagarin. That's when the U.S. President said his famous words: Russian beat us in the competition for the Cosmos for the school desk. And that is the best in the world of education, the current Russian radical Democrats for two decades actively depleted.

12. And so we went our impressive achievements in the development of osmosis: the world's first pictures of the back side of the moon, delivered on the ground, and the world's first globe of the moon with the detailed framework of a lunar landscape.

13. First pennant from the ground, delivered to the moon and left there forever as a symbol of the triumph of Soviet Socialist system in this land.

14. The world's first moving vehicle, the so-called lunar rover, delivered to the moon and the long months of moving along the surface of the moon and transmitting pictures of the moon on the earth.

15. The world's first orbiting space station orbiting around the earth, with a relief crew of astronauts working on it for several months.

16. The world's first reusable spacecraft called "Buran", launched from the orbital vehicle and returning to the ground in the automatic mode.

17. The world's first super high-rise so called Ostankino TV tower, built on an unusual and over the safety of domestic project.

18. The world's best automatic rifle, a genius of the Soviet workers, who became an outstanding Soviet designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. In today's Russia, such as he is, by anyone other than a porter in the market, get a job never could.

19. The most massive in the world of semi-automatic welding steel gas-shielded consumable electrode and now called the Russian welding or welding in carbon dioxide.

20. Automatic submerged arc welding of metals, with which the Soviet Union in World War II housing welded tanks in the "Tankograd" in the Urals.

21. Automatic welding metal thickness unlimited so-called electro-slag welding, which in Soviet times was widely used in the manufacture of large body parts for various purposes weighing several tons.

22. One of the most popular ways of obtaining high-alloy steels with specified properties, now called electroslag remelting.

23. The serial production of multi-layer twisted tubes for high-pressure gas pipelines, butt weld which when installed in the field are now performed by the method proposed by the author of this article.

24. Mastering the production of soldered instead of welded metal high-voltage transmission towers.

25. Mastering the production of the world's largest converters for steel capacity of more than five hundred tons.

26. Mastering the production of converter steel with blowing molten liquid oxygen instead of air.

27. The introduction of the unified energy system of the country, the only one in the world for such large-area states. In America, it is still there, and the Soviet Union are! More precisely - it was! Mr. Yeltsin destroyed it.

28. Single geological map for the entire country, in which you can still predict the location of mineral resources. None of the major countries of the world such a card is still no.

29. The world's first plant for controlled thermonuclear fusion tokamak-type

30. The world's first mobile unit to launch ballistic missiles at the base of rail cars, the likes of which the world still do not have.

31. The world's first nuclear-powered submarine with two-layer welded hull that can operate at depths of over six hundred meters.

31. The world's first nuclear-powered submarine with welded titanium, capable of diving to a depth of up to a thousand meters.

34. The world's first aircraft with variable geometry wings that made a splash in his time at the air parade in Le Bourget.

35. The world's first aircraft with a vertical lift and landing.

36. The world's first jet airliner.

37. The world's first supersonic passenger airliner.

38. In general, it is necessary to recognize that more than forty percent of the world's passenger aircraft in the second half of the twentieth century were equipped with Soviet aircraft.

39. The world's first "winged", a kind of hybrid marine vessel flying the plane and one tested in the late eighties and analogs which is still the world's no.

40. The world's first giant transport aircraft capable of carrying through the air in excess of 250 tons of payload.

41. The first ship in the world by hydrofoil.

42. The world's first butt welding of large buildings diesel locomotives and ships.

43. The world's first industrial butt welding of pipes of pipelines in the field.

44. The first and only in the world of boring machine for bodies of water turbines with a diameter faceplate to fifteen meters.

46. The world's first heavy-truck load capacity of 850 tons for deposits of coal and iron ore in southern Yakutia.

47.Only one country in the world, producing high power walking excavators with bucket capacity of more than 150 cubic meters.

48. The only country in the world, producing high-power floating dredge for gold and rare earth minerals from the bottom of rivers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

1. Private prisons United States, as commercial projects in need of free labor (slaves). The justice system in that it does not fail. Index of awards prison terms and the total number of prisoners. The U.S. population is 5% of the world's population and a quarter of all prisoners in the world - it is the Americans. In U.S. prisons is 2.3 million people (1.6 million in China) - ie sits every hundred adult citizen of the United States                                                                                                                                  .2. The number of car thefts

What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

3. The number of obese people
What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

4. The consumption of sugary carbonated water for 1 person. On average, every American sucks in the day about 0.5 liters of soda
What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

5. Production of fast food in 2000, U.S. consumers spent about $ 110 billion on fast food, and in 1970 a total of 6 billion                                                                                                                                         6. 28 hours - the time that the average American spends watching television per week. Here the first place while the U.S. shares with Britain. There is much to aspire to.                                                         7. The volume of credit card fraud 27% of the total amount of money stolen from credit cards in the world occur in the United States. $ 3.56 billion for 2010.                                                             8. Number of singles and 26% of the total number of households in the United States are represented by only one person                                                                                                                                   9. The divorce rate is 4.95 per 1,000 people, but if you bring statistics to the number of marriages, in the first place would be Belgium - almost 60% of divorces per 100 weddings.                                             10. The number of teenage pregnancies percentage of girls who become pregnant under the age of 20 years.

What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

11. The infant mortality rate associated with the abuse of the past 10 years, American moms and dads have killed more than 20 thousand of their children. Of the total number of deaths of children 75% are not lived up to four years, and almost half to 1 year. For this indicator, the U.S. outperforms Canada 3 times, 11 times in Italy.                                                                                                                    12. The number of lawyers. Total operating in the country of 1.1 million lawyers, one lawyer has 256 Americans (for example in France for one lawyer has 1,403 people). The ratio of lawyers to prisoners - 1:2!                                                                                                                                                     13. Leader in the production of pornographic materials. 89% of the world pornography made ​​in USA.      14. Americans most often in the world drink drugs with or without. Drug abuse about 36 million Americans. From pharmaceuticals die each year 200,000 U.S. citizens.                                        15. World's Most Expensive prescription drugs. On average, Americans overpay for drugs 50% compared to the rest of the world                                                                                                       16. Leaders on eating antidepressants. More than 20% of all American adults take at least one drug from a mental or behavioral disorders. The Chamber has revealed shocking details - about one-third of all foster children in the United States take at least one psychotropic drug. Children in the United States are taking antidepressants are three times more often than in Europe. The total number of Americans taking antidepressants doubled between 1996 and 2005.                                                               17. Leaders in the number of people with a mental disorder. One in five American adults has mental disabilities                                                                                                                                               18. The largest amount of credit card debt the average, every American has a 4 credit card. One in seven Americans is 10 or more credit cards. In March 2011, the total debt on credit cards was $ 785 billion

What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

19. World's Largest mortgage debt.
What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

20. Total debt to pay for school students tends to $ 1 trillion.                                                         21. Americans have resorted to plastic surgeons are more likely than anyone else.                                  22. The largest number of deaths from eating disorders happening in America.

What is the U.S. number 1 in the world?

23. According to highest number of crimes registered in the world in the United States.Nearly 12 million crimes a year. In second and third place Britain and Germany - on 6.5 million crimes a year.                                                                                                                                        24. The first country in the world in the number of idiotic laws                                                                25. At the pre-election campaign in the 2012 U.S. presidential candidates plan to spend a record $ 11 billion (in Russia for the last presidential election candidates spent less than $ 50 million.)                           26. Year after year, the U.S. has the world's largest trade deficit - 558 billion dollars in 2011.                    27. Americans make up 5% of the world population while consuming 30% of the mined resources in the world                                                                                                                                                   28. 30% of all waste produced in the world are in the U.S.                                                                    29. In 2003, the share of the U.S. accounted for 68% of all land occupied by GM plants                       30. Half of the analysts all over the world - the Americans (no one to talk to?)                                       31. The United States has the largest public debt of all time - more than 15 trillion. U.S. ...                      32. ... But it spends more on the military than the next 12 countries combined ...                               33. ... And has the largest number of military bases. Around the world, more than a thousand.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The world's only melee people and dogs with the Nazis

In Cherkasy region is a unique monument of 150 borderline dogs who "broke" regiment of the Nazis in melee This one in the history of world wars and conflicts, people and dogs battle took place in the heart of Ukraine many years ago, and it was like this ... It was the third month of the war, more precisely, it only started when the end of July there were events for the first time changed the course of World War II, or the entire course of the "Eastern company," as they called the war in Hitler's headquarters. Few realize that according to his orders, on August 3 had to fall Kiev, and on the 8th number in the "victory parade" in the capital of Ukraine Hitler himself was going to come, but not alone, but with the leader of Italian dictator Mussolini and Slovakia Tissot. In the "head" to take Kiev failed and received an order to bypass it from the south ...So word of mouth came the terrible word "Green Brahma ', an area that is not listed on any maps of some of the great battles of the Great War.This wooded and hilly array of cyanosis on the right bank of the river, near the villages of Podvysokoe NovoArkhangelskoye in Kirovohrad region and Legezino Talnovsky Cherkassy region is only now known as one of the most tragic events of the first months of the Great Patriotic War. And then, because the party of fierce fighting during the Uman defensive operation was a famous songwriter Eugene Aaronovitch Dolmatovsky. With the release in 1985 of his book "The Green Brahma" (full size) the mystery of the "Green Brahma" was disclosed .. . In these places were surrounded and were almost completely destroyed extending from the western border of the 6th and the 12th Army of the South-Western Front generals Muzychenko and Ponedelina. By early August, they numbered 130,000 people, of Brahma came to his 11,000 soldiers and officers, mostly from the rear units. The others - either captured or left permanently in the hole Green Brama ...

In a separate battalion of border security detachment of the rear of the Southwestern Front, which was established on the basis of separate Kolomiysky border commandant of the same name and border patrol, with a hard-fought retreating from the border, are working dogs. They, along with the border patrol soldiers endured all the hardships of the harsh times. The battalion commander, who is also deputy chief of staff, Major Kolomiysky frontier Lopatin (according to other data, consolidated detachment commanded by Major Filippov), despite the extremely poor conditions, lack of proper food and to supply the command to release the dogs, did not. Near the village of Legedzino battalion, covering parts of the command staff retreat Uman army factions, July 30 took his last fight ... Forces were not equal: five hundred guards regiment against the fascists. At the critical moment, when the Germans went to another attack, Major Lopatin gave the order to send in a close fight with the Nazis border guards and dogs. It was a last resort. sight was terrible: 150 (different data - from 115 to 150 dogs border, including to and from Lviv pogranshkoly service dog) trained, half-starved sheep dogs, drenching them against the Nazis machine-gun fire. Sheepdogs fascists dug in the throat, even in its death throes. The enemy, bitten in the literal sense and chopped down with their bayonets, retreated, but came to the aid of tanks. Bitten by German infantrymen with lacerations, with cries of horror, jumps up on the armor of tanks and shot the poor dogs. In this battle, killing all 500 border guards, none of them surrendered. But those dogs, according to witnesses - the villagers Legedzino, remained faithful to the end of its conductors. Each of the survivors of the grinder, settled near his master, and no one did not admit to it. German beasts were shot every shepherd, and those who were not shot the Germans, refused to eat or have died of hunger on the field ... Even rural dogs got - the Germans were shot big dogs of the villagers, even those who have been on a leash. Only one shepherd was able to crawl to his house and fell down at the door.Devotional four-legged friend sheltered, out, and on the collar of her villagers learned that it was not only the dogs border Kolomiysky pogrankomendatury, but also a special school service dog Captain ME Kozlov. After the battle, the Germans collected their dead, according to the recollections of the villagers (unfortunately there is little left in this world) were allowed to bury the Soviet border guards.Everyone who found gathered in the center of the field and buried, together with his faithful four-legged assistants, and hid the secret burial for many years ... Researcher that memorable battle Fuca Alexander says that the memory of the heroism of border guards and their helpers among the villagers was so great that, despite the presence of the German occupation administration and detachment of policemen, the floor of the village boys proudly wore green caps victims. And buries border residents, hiding from the Nazis, Red Army pulled out of books and pictures of dead officers' certificates, then to send them to identify (to keep such documents were in mortal danger, so to identify the names of heroes failed). A planned meeting of triumph of Hitler and Mussolini took place on 18 August, but, of course, not in Kiev, and there, Legedzino, on the Shlyakhov that led to experimental and which was kept as a Soviet border guards. Only in 1955, Legedzino residents were able to collect the remains of almost all the 500 border guards and transfer them to the village school, and near which is a common grave. And on the outskirts of the village, where, and held the world's only melee people and dogs with the Nazis, May 9, 2003, the voluntary contributions of veterans, border guards and handlers of Ukraine was established the world's only monument to a man with a gun and his faithful friend - the dog. This monument is not anywhere else. "Stop and take a bow. Then in July 1941, have risen in the last attack on the enemy fighters separate Kolomiyskogo border commandant. 500 guards and 150 of their dogs perished in a heroic death in battle. They have remained forever faithful to the oath, his native land. " Today only person known to the two dead guards.

Monday, June 3, 2013

White House: everything is good, beautiful marquise!

May 29 press secretary Jay Carney American president fun dive at a press briefing with the correspondent of one of the conservative channels. Mr. Carney, to the shame of his unfunny companion managed to skillfully used against him by his arguments. About the dialogue is the official representative of the White House and the reporter told Trend. Itar-Tass Shytov . The key in the TV skirmish interlocutors - the strength and resilience of the American people and the inevitable prosperity of the United States.

television reporter decided to play a trick on a White House employee: in fact over these same Washington-workers, often not mindful of the fact that, not knowing how much the home state and how family will be nine, not making fun just lazy. A reporter asked Carney to comment on the new economic indicators in the U.S. today have exceeded the expectations of even those optimists who are fit to be called visionaries. After all, everything is great all around - from the stock and housing markets to consumer confidence in the future. Carney gladly supported the "theses" correspondent:

"You mentioned is welcome news. This is a testament to the strength and resilience of our economy and the American people. It is also a confirmation of the fact that in 2008-2012 were taken not easy, but the true political decisions that helped lead us to the path of economic recovery and job creation. But we have not reached that milestone, to which we have come so that your hands can not be folded. There is still a lot of work. "

Here television journalist hit bottom. Because you, Mr. Carney said he argued that sequestration threatens our economy, almost a disaster. And then that - a leap forward? And even if it were not for the Republicans (Carney hinted), then it would be a real jerk. It has been criticized Republican opposition to the administration of the fact that she purposely intimidate the people of the danger of sequestration - for their own political gain, of course. Mr. Carney said, referring to the data of the Budget Office of the U.S. Congress that the economic recovery "would go even faster if it is not applied unnecessary wound. " Specialists from the Bureau believe that sequestration will cost America "about three-quarters of a million jobs" and "up to half a percentage point of economic growth." In short, a leading Republican got in their nose, and on the silent. Nevertheless, many experts agree with the back seat journalist that the current economic successes may be nothing more than a symptom of the regular inflated "bubble." Owner of a specialized investment fund "Universe" Mark Spitsnagel told CNN, that in the current quarter, it is experiencing record inflows.Under the rules of the Federal Commission for the Securities and Exchange Commission to disclose the exact figures it is forbidden, writes correspondent. ITAR-TASS, but the fund has hundreds of millions of dollars. Mtster Spitsnagel convinced that the stock market drop by 20 percent or more will happen in the United States over the next 6-12 months. former chairwoman of the Commission of the Federal Deposit insurance Sheila Bair and former Congressman Barney Frank were in the magazine «Fortune» article, entitled " Look out! The bond market based on mortgage bonds went back to the old. " These people, however, look like alarmists making gloomy incredulous faces against the thick and smiling contentedly bourgeois, who believe not only in the present day, but in the bright capitalist future. What you need to do to prove the "success" and boast "prosperity" in the post-modern world? That's right: some rely on rating. Even better - a few ratings. Anna Queen ("Expert" ) reports that consumer confidence in the United States in May 2013 rose to a five-year high - 76.2. This was recently reported the organization «Conference Board» (it is, in fact, the indicator is calculated.) The new indicator has turned out even better than the forecast of economists surveyed «MarketWatch» (those expecting the index to rise to 72.3 points). Increased confidence index should say the U.S. and the international community that U.S. consumers are more optimistic about the state of the economy over the next six months. There is another index - expectations. He jumped to its highest level in seven months - from 74.3 points in April to 82.4 points in May. assessment of the current economic situation also improved as its index rose to 66.7 (up from 61.0 a month earlier). According to Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators «Conference Board», consumers are "significantly more optimistic about the future economic situation and employment prospects. The data show that consumer confidence is on the mend and can recover after falling out of a financial precipice, lower wages and higher taxes associated with the budget sequestration. " In short, people believe that they will live better and better. And if such a thing, the writers give them ratings and more new indexes. Obama will probably go down in history as the president of the index. Index «Case - Shiller», which reflects the value of property in the twenty largest cities in the U.S. was higher than expected in March it increased in comparison with February by 1.4%, while year comparison increased by 10.9%, which is the best result since April 2006.economy, but solid euphoria. The holiday of some sort. Tale. The American dream is coming true before our eyes. wished not keep up with the smaller firms and rating agency «Moody's». Its executives have sat for calculators, tinkered in «Excel» - and raised its forecast for the U.S. banking system from negative to stable. Arguments? Analysts vaguely informed about the constant improvement of the economic situation in the United States and to reduce the risk of losses banks.Low, they say, interest rates support the growth of employment in the country, and those who are engaged in, go to the banks for loans, and it is quite good. papered experts that those who are not busy sitting on the benefits or starve, and in banks in no hurry to go. Blog Authors «ZeroHedge» summed up the results of the Board of Obama. It turns out that the 44th president of the United States won more debt than 42 of his predecessor, taken together, tell the journalists to "Interfax" .Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke simply put the country into debt. In 1980, the U.S. national debt was less than $ 1 trillion. U.S., today it is approaching $ 17 trillion. If the U.S. debt Obama put out at 'dollar per second, "that will be able to pay them only after 184,000 years. Astronomy some. At the 2001 U.S. GDP accounted for 31.8% of all economic activity, and in 2011 that number dropped to 21.6%. This is the World Bank, and not some "Rating Agency." Number of Americans working in manufacturing today than there was in 1950, although the population has increased since more than doubled. In 1950, more than 80% of citizens in the United States had jobs. Today, unemployment is over 35%. And 53% of those still working, earning less than $ 30 thousand a year.According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans live in poverty or extreme poverty. The government was forced to introduce nearly 80 different welfare programs in need. This is not all of what is written in the "Interfax". Listed here are just basic, the most surprising to those who sing the praises of Obama and the rule of the great and unique American economy. A credit rating agencies are working on the psychology of crowds and cheap shamanism. No joke - hear this: "As the index case - Schiller ..." Or this: "Experts" Mudi's "increased ..." Well, probably, sometimes writers are indicators on the political orders. We are all sinners. Behind the beautiful facade is a front ugly reality. An example of the Pentagon, one of the key departments of the great American democracy, it's a proof. news service "Voice of America" ​​reported that the Pentagon will have to send in a forced unpaid leave for 11 days, most of the 800,000 civilian employees - because of sequestration. (That is, we observe, take loans from banks and stimulate the U.S. economy, these boys and girls, whose future is now in question, are unlikely. Would like to know what they think about the "confidence index" and other indices). Decision on unpaid leave may prompt many prospective employees to abandon the idea to work in the Defense Ministry, and instead find a job in the private sector. Perhaps there they will believe in the infallibility of the indices. unnamed employee of the Defense Ministry said in a forced leave of 800,000 will go more than 600 thousand employees. This will happen in a few weeks. Department of Defense is the most significant loss of sequestration. This department until September 30 to cut the budget by $ 46 billion. And the cuts would be in an even larger scale, if Congress does not prevent the sequestration process.Representatives of the military leadership has repeatedly warned Congress that the spending cuts could affect the country's defense capabilities. The chief of the Pentagon's all this concern at the continuing war in Syria, the development of Iran's nuclear program and the upcoming withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. On the other hand, we would add, what do you, Mr., the case of Syria and Iran? What does the "defense" potential? Is Ahmadinejad going comrade from the sky to attack the United States, and Bashar al-Assad threatened to bomb the White House devoted Qataris and Saudis, exemplary Democrats who are hiding under the guise of a monarchy? Pentagon reached that called on Congress to take action to close military bases. Congressmen against: the closure of military bases on the territory of the country can absolutely ruin the local economy around the bases nursing. expert with the Center for the Study of interaction between business and government, a senior researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences on Social Sciences, Political Science Sergey Kostyaev writes that the U.S. defense budget sequestration Industry reacts staff reductions and sales of non-core assets. Reduce the number of mergers and acquisitions indicates that the defense industry in the United States negatively about the outlook for the industry. 's largest military-industrial group «Lockheed Martin», writes S. Kostyaev in the journal "Expert" , issued a report for the first quarter of 2013 to the current year because of the curtailment of the federal budget will miss the company $ 825 million in its IT-department was laid off 650 people. Later the expected restructuring program and the ill-fated plane F-35. A month ago, U.S. Congressional Budget Office issued a report on the state of the economy, according to which a reduction in military spending this year will reduce economic growth by 0.5%.
"In 2012-2013, as a result of the entry into force of the law" On Control of budget "expenditures on national defense as a whole decreased from 671 to 652 billion dollars. According to forecasts of the same research company «SDI», in the years 2013-2017 the share of military expenditure in GDP will decrease from 4.6 to 3.1%. In Barack Obama's budget request for fiscal year 2014 is expected to spend on defense is even less - 615 billion dollars, of which only 166 billion is for the purchase of weapons. In stark contrast to 2008, when the purchase cost of 400 billion dollars! "

When President Clinton was elected in 1992, the Cold War, it seemed, had gone down in history, and so was cut defense spending. At the time, the military-industrial concerns chosen the policy of mergers and acquisitions. It was in the 1990s. and were established giants such as «Lockheed Martin» and «Northrop Grumman». Today the company VPK sell non-core assets, says S. Kostyaev. Vladimir Ivanov ( "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" ) reported that American parliamentarians have rejected a number of proposals Pentagon to reduce military spending. Congressmen force the defense establishment to purchase or maintaining an outdated samples of AME. According to U.S. experts, they are just trying to keep their electorate.

"So, for example, representatives of both houses of the U.S. parliament, despite the objections of the Pentagon leaders, who declared that they do not need do not meet modern requirements of the Armed Forces, voted for the allocation of nearly $ 0.5 billion for the purchase in the next two years, upgraded 70 -ton tanks "Abrams".

Meanwhile, the top army leadership said that now they do not need such tanks. "If we had a choice, we would have spent the money in another way," - said the Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno. Legislators, advocates of purchasing an upgrade of its heavy tanks "Abrams", argue that the provision will help to keep equipment businesses involved in the production of tanks, as well as to maintain and highly skilled. The only plant in the United States, producing such tanks, located in Lima, Ohio. The plant employs about seven hundred employees, and it is of great importance to the city's economy. According to recent estimates «General Dynamics», in the production of "Abrams" involved more than 560 subcontractors and approximately 18,000 professionals. Only in Pennsylvania with more than 40 companies involved in this production. Contrary to the wishes Pentagon lawmakers approved the cost of financing conservation activities on duty seven Navy ships have served time, although they are not in use on operational need. Administration of the Ministry of the U.S. Navy has decided to write off in the next two years, the seven-class cruisers "Ticonderoga". Multi-purpose ships were accepted for service in the 90's of last century. For their modernization needs a lot of money. Therefore, the Navy decided that it is easier to write off. But the Congress, to approve the final budget law Pentagon rejected these plans Navy Department. VVS due to writing off a transport aircraft (C-130 and C-5A), B-1 bombers and UAVs are going to save about $ 600 million, but these plans cause strong opposition congressmen. Obviously, hawks Republicans panicked because of budget sequester, are now doing everything to make this sequestration is even more scary. I wonder what the "confidence index" if from opposition congressmen program cuts will increase the budget deficit and will once again breached the government debt ceiling? The other day, Jacob Lew, U.S. Treasury Secretary, has promised to relative calm until September 1 - but then that would break out? After all, even Ben Bernanke, this tireless steering money to cover the entire world of green paper, thinking about turning over the command. Well, as long as the tip of the bureaucratic U.S. rejoices not only soaring indices, but also many thousands of bonuses.

White House: everything is good, beautiful marquise!

May 22 it was reported that the elite U.S. government employees in 4 years alone received awards for 340 million dollars. These people are automatic budget cuts, that is sequestration, is not concerned. This is stated in the report of the subcommittee of the Senate, published in the U.S. media, reports "RBC" . senior management staff (Senior Executive Service), which make up less than 1% of the federal workforce, received from 2008 to 2011. in the form of awards over $ 340 million This is a bonus - supplements to the annual salary that ranged from 119 thousand to $ 179 thousand dollars sequester canceled bonuses for most federal employees, but, by law, are required to pay various service bonuses to employees belonging to the highest caste - Senior Executive Service. These senior officers hold positions just below the president's appointment of the heads of the various ministries and departments (deputies, heads of departments, etc.). Among the leaders in the payments of bonuses to employees were noted: the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the National Science Foundation, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Commerce. Richkov Constantine ("Moskovsky Komsomolets" ), recalled that a similar scandal with bonuses recently took place in the Congress (that's where the cuts out of fashion.) At least 25% of Congressmen have paid bonuses to their employees at the end of 2012. The average value of the bonus apparatchiks was thirty thousand dollars. But some lawmakers found it possible to support their employees six-figure sums.crisis is a crisis! And what about ordinary Americans? And who cares about ordinary Americans, except for the tax department? And then, would not ordinary Americans indexes and rankings from "Mudi's?" Police disperse protesters «Occupy», writes Comrade Richkov, using brutal methods. 20 May dozens of protesters have been detained under the windows of the Ministry of Justice. These people are required to prosecute financiers, many have tried to for the sake of the economic crisis

Friday, January 18, 2013

Weapons that selects America

One of the most armed country in the world is the United States of America. And in this case it is not just about good equipment of the armed forces: 315 million Americans account for nearly 270 million barrels of firearms. Thus, in numbers and popularity weapons far ahead even cars, because it owns nearly 90 people out of a hundred.
Initially you need to note the fact that the weapon has always been one of the most important elements of the U.S. economy. This fact was once again confirmed at the beginning of this year, when it was determined that the development of weapons case, the Government has sent nearly $ 50 million.
Despite the fact that the sale of firearms in the United States are regulated, control of different severity and her own characteristics in each state. In fact, every American citizen who has reached the age of majority, has no criminal record, legal problems and mental illness, can completely free to buy a gun. Exists in the country and so-called special category to which the automatic weapons. However, in order to acquire it, in addition to a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, to pay a tax of $ 200 and be fingerprinted. But there is one "but" you can buy only those samples of automatic weapons that were manufactured before 1986.

The greatest demand among Americans are pistols and revolvers. In this type of weapon has almost 58 percent of the population. In this case, call the clear leader among samples of handguns is very difficult because the high demand and popularity of several models, including the Ruger LCP, Colt M1911, Glock and Smith & Wesson.

The most advanced of these models is the Ruger LCP - Light supercompact nine-gun, which is designed for concealed carry. In mass production, he appeared in 2008. This model has many advantages: it designs applied polymers, which greatly affects the weight (the gun weighs only 270 grams). Length of the model is only 13 inches. Despite such a small size, the gun is powerful enough due to the high muzzle velocity. In addition, it can be easily placed in a purse or in a holster on his leg. Shop is 6 rounds. Ruger LCP pistol by popularity bypasses even the famous Colt.

Colt M1911 pistol was established in 1911 in America. Prior to his arrival in the country self-loading pistols are already very popular, but they are not very powerful. The army continued to use guns, which are not particularly rate and accuracy of fire. Therefore, it was a competition for the creation of a new self-loading pistol, which was attended by two companies - Savage and Colt. After lengthy testing for service of the U.S. armed forces adopted a pistol designed by John Browning - Colt M1911. Since 1913, the model began to be delivered to the Marines and the Navy. Soon pistol design has become a classic and has been used in many models. By the way, Colt M1911 pistols used in tsarist Russia, in case gendarmerie and police. As they entered the country through the United Kingdom, with the marking "English Order" on the left side of the frame.
Now Colt M1911 pistol is the standard weapon of the U.S. military. In addition, they continue to use the security forces, particularly the police and the FBI. Number of total guns of this model is about 2.7 million barrels.

One of the world's best recognized pistols Glock, which quickly gained popularity in the U.S. market. In 1988, specifically for the civilian market, as well as various special services released a compact variant of the Glock 17 - Glock 19, which has become no less popular not only the police but also the civilian population, who planned to use it for concealed carry and self-defense or sport shooting. From its predecessor, this model has a shorter barrel, equal to 10 centimeters, and the handle, which holds 15 rounds in the magazine. Despite its small size, the gun has a high combat and operational characteristics: firepower, reliability, ease of carry, easy to use.
To date, Glock 19 pistol is armed police, special forces and the armies of many countries, in particular the Hong Kong Police, a rapid response team of French Gendarmerie, the Israeli General Security Service. However, the most widespread, the model was on the civilian market, because this gun is recognized by many experts as the best weapon for self-defense.

The oldest of all the most popular models of handguns is a revolver Smith & Wesson. Its production started in 1899. Despite this, it is produced in various versions until now. This gun is one of the most numerous, and the number of models produced at the present time is reached almost 9 million specimens. Gun itself is one of the most accurate and reliable in the shooting. Danae model always in great demand on the civilian market, and athletes-shooters. The revolver has a classic design with folding drum for six rounds, made of steel with weapons blueing. In 1941, Smith Veson company started production of revolvers for police. This model was named the "Military and Police model." Supply such guns in the military. When in 1957-1958 the company instead of verbal designations began using numbers, this model was called Smith & Wesson Model 10, which is produced in our time.
For a long period of time, this model was in service of the American police. Its further development has been the emergence of models 14 and 15. Concealed carry is the most suitable model 10, since it lacks protruding rib. In the ranking of the most popular models of handguns Americans revolver Smith & Wesson is in the second position after the Colt 1911 pistol.
If guns are usually designed for concealed carry, which can be carried through the streets or carry in the glove compartment car, a gun is used in most cases to protect your home or for hunting.

The greatest stopping power of the available American population possess weapons shotguns. Among these weapons undisputed leader recognized Remington 870 shotgun, which was presented in 1950. This pump-action shotgun, which was originally produced as a universal gun for hunting. This shotgun was produced and released to date in the various versions. In the 1970s, Army rifle modification was adopted by the U.S. Army. This model had a shop in seven rounds, hand guards and a special protective matte finish.
In addition, the shotgun is in great demand among police officers. For them, a model was developed that allows to shoot bullets and buckshot, and special ammunition, including rubber bullets and traumatic gas grenades.
Depending on the caliber and model of gun magazine capacity can range from three to eight rounds. Since the introduction to the present time by Remington has sold more than ten million shotguns. In 2009, Remington 870 shotgun was considered the most successful model in the company's history.

For those who like hunting, pump action rifles are not enough. They need a high destructive power at a distance. Hunters are popular guns Thompson / Center Arms Encore 209x.50 Magnum. They are charged with the breech. Barrel length of only 66 centimeters, with an initial velocity of the bullet is 671 meters per second. The advantage of this model is the ability to equip its optical sighting devices, and high enough lethal range, which is 180 meters. But it should be noted that this gun is quite expensive.

Very interesting is the fact that the most popular long-barreled weapons in the United States last year, according to sales, is the rifle Mosin 1891/30. She appeared in 1891 in Russia. It was a trilinear rifle, which was developed and a cartridge of 7.62 mm. In those years, it was decided to adopt three options, in other, not much different from each other: Infantry, Dragoon and Cossack. Series production began in the years 1893-1894 in Izhevsk and Tula. However, during the First World War, in view of the fact that Russian industry could not cope with the production rifles had to order in America. After 1917, a large number of rifles and remained in the U.S.. They were sold on the civilian market, or used in the army to train soldiers shooting. The American model is different from the Russian, except for labeling and more material lodges - was used instead of the birch walnut stock. Mosin rifle repeatedly subjected to modernization. In addition, the model was developed sniper rifle that was used during the Second World War.
Despite the fact that this model of weapon was far from ideal, with its functions as it copes well: it was easy and straightforward to use, even maloobuchennymi soldiers, cheap to produce, are reliable and durable, has good ballistic qualities. Its firing range is about two miles.
At present, despite the fact that the production of the Mosin rifle was taken back in 1965, on the internet it is quite easy and simple to buy for a small amount.
In addition to pistols and rifles considerable demand in the U.S. and are semi-automatic rifles and carbines. Such weapons are very ambiguous. By and large, from automatic versions it differs only in the volume and rate of the store. In the mid-90s in some U.S. states there was a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles, shop equipment with more than 10 bullets. Despite this, with a strong desire can be purchased, and it is legitimate, store larger capacity, if it was produced before the ban.
Carbines and assault rifles have a large range of fire and slaughter, so they are better than other types of weapons suitable for shooting in shooting galleries or for hunting, but not for self-defense, because of its low stopping power.

Among all assault weapons represented the U.S. arms market, leadership belongs rifle AR15. This is a self-loading rifle, which is produced since 1963. In the sale, it comes as a civilian weapon for self defense. In addition, she is a staff weapon police departments.
The rifle is the development of ArmaLite. Initially it was assumed that it will be a promising assault rifle for the U.S. Army. However, in 1959 due to financial difficulties encountered, the company sold the rights to the design of Colt. As a result, in the early 60's AR15 rifle entered by the army under the name M16. Under the brand represented AR15 semiautomatic model, which is produced for the civilian market.
Currently engaged in the production of rifles, several companies, including ArmaLite, Bushmaster and Colt. The rifle is made for the standard NATO 5.56 mm cartridge, sighting range is about half a kilometer, e, and the initial velocity - 975 feet per second.

The second position in the ranking of semiautomatic assault weapons popularity among the American population took up various Kalashnikov. They are engaged in the production of many countries, particularly Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, China, Poland, Romania, North Korea, Yugoslavia, Israel, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, India, and, of course, the United States of America. Incidentally, the original - the Kalashnikov - has become the most popular gun in the world, and also the most common. The total number sold Kalashnikovs and its copies around the world is about 100 million barrels.
However, soon the Americans love to all kinds of weapons can meet great obstacles of the law. After numerous tragedies that occur more and more often in American schools, the government would give serious consideration to tighten the rules for firearms in the country. In particular, it is the introduction of additional checks on the acquisition of handguns, rifles and shotguns, as well as the ban on the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity store. All these measures are contained in the President's program, consisting of 19 points.
Obama himself is confident that his program will vehement opposition Congress, because the right to bear arms is enshrined in the Constitution. If this happens, the president will be forced to deal with violence in America through direct orders.
There is also the danger that the bans do not work simply because the citizens do not want to voluntarily hand over their existing weapons, and any attempt to force them to do so can cause this rebellion. On top of that the Americans expecting a quick tightening of legislation, and began buying weapons and ammunition. So, now in civilian weapons, even more than before.
America unarmed inconceivable. But the consequences of such a love for weapons ...