1. Private prisons United States, as commercial projects in need of free labor (slaves). The justice system in that it does not fail. Index of awards prison terms and the total number of prisoners. The U.S. population is 5% of the world's population and a quarter of all prisoners in the world - it is the Americans. In U.S. prisons is 2.3 million people (1.6 million in China) - ie sits every hundred adult citizen of the United States .2. The number of car thefts
3. The number of obese people
4. The consumption of sugary carbonated water for 1 person. On average, every American sucks in the day about 0.5 liters of soda
5. Production of fast food in 2000, U.S. consumers spent about $ 110 billion on fast food, and in 1970 a total of 6 billion 6. 28 hours - the time that the average American spends watching television per week. Here the first place while the U.S. shares with Britain. There is much to aspire to. 7. The volume of credit card fraud 27% of the total amount of money stolen from credit cards in the world occur in the United States. $ 3.56 billion for 2010. 8. Number of singles and 26% of the total number of households in the United States are represented by only one person 9. The divorce rate is 4.95 per 1,000 people, but if you bring statistics to the number of marriages, in the first place would be Belgium - almost 60% of divorces per 100 weddings. 10. The number of teenage pregnancies percentage of girls who become pregnant under the age of 20 years.
11. The infant mortality rate associated with the abuse of the past 10 years, American moms and dads have killed more than 20 thousand of their children. Of the total number of deaths of children 75% are not lived up to four years, and almost half to 1 year. For this indicator, the U.S. outperforms Canada 3 times, 11 times in Italy. 12. The number of lawyers. Total operating in the country of 1.1 million lawyers, one lawyer has 256 Americans (for example in France for one lawyer has 1,403 people). The ratio of lawyers to prisoners - 1:2! 13. Leader in the production of pornographic materials. 89% of the world pornography made in USA. 14. Americans most often in the world drink drugs with or without. Drug abuse about 36 million Americans. From pharmaceuticals die each year 200,000 U.S. citizens. 15. World's Most Expensive prescription drugs. On average, Americans overpay for drugs 50% compared to the rest of the world 16. Leaders on eating antidepressants. More than 20% of all American adults take at least one drug from a mental or behavioral disorders. The Chamber has revealed shocking details - about one-third of all foster children in the United States take at least one psychotropic drug. Children in the United States are taking antidepressants are three times more often than in Europe. The total number of Americans taking antidepressants doubled between 1996 and 2005. 17. Leaders in the number of people with a mental disorder. One in five American adults has mental disabilities 18. The largest amount of credit card debt the average, every American has a 4 credit card. One in seven Americans is 10 or more credit cards. In March 2011, the total debt on credit cards was $ 785 billion
19. World's Largest mortgage debt.
20. Total debt to pay for school students tends to $ 1 trillion. 21. Americans have resorted to plastic surgeons are more likely than anyone else. 22. The largest number of deaths from eating disorders happening in America.
23. According to nationmaster.com highest number of crimes registered in the world in the United States.Nearly 12 million crimes a year. In second and third place Britain and Germany - on 6.5 million crimes a year. 24. The first country in the world in the number of idiotic laws 25. At the pre-election campaign in the 2012 U.S. presidential candidates plan to spend a record $ 11 billion (in Russia for the last presidential election candidates spent less than $ 50 million.) 26. Year after year, the U.S. has the world's largest trade deficit - 558 billion dollars in 2011. 27. Americans make up 5% of the world population while consuming 30% of the mined resources in the world 28. 30% of all waste produced in the world are in the U.S. 29. In 2003, the share of the U.S. accounted for 68% of all land occupied by GM plants 30. Half of the analysts all over the world - the Americans (no one to talk to?) 31. The United States has the largest public debt of all time - more than 15 trillion. U.S. ... 32. ... But it spends more on the military than the next 12 countries combined ... 33. ... And has the largest number of military bases. Around the world, more than a thousand.
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