Sunday, January 12, 2014

Who rules the world - very interesting or insightful article

In the early 90 - ies of the last century, in one of the secret funds was found Latin manuscript of the eleventh century , entitled " Covenants Lord of the world." In the preface unknown author claimed that the text conveys the content of another , older document , which was written during the Babylonian kingdom on the basis of ancient Egyptian and Persian scrolls. The content of this work contradicts many long-held beliefs about morality and prospects of modern society. This information is intended only for professional coterie of senior politicians . This work - the oldest political ideology , the main provisions of which are the basis of any modern society . After reading this manuscript, it becomes clear that the world is ruled not people, and their ideas , many of which were formulated in ancient times . There is a mystical paradox : people come up with rules on which themselves then and fees . Ancient world is governed by ideology . Living life depends on the rules set by the dead. Such rulers impossible to kill or overthrow . Therefore, their reign forever. Spiritual energy of the dead forms a powerful invisible force field , which a man named God. This force indefinitely , because it is in the minds of everyone. Key provisions of the " Lord of the Testaments of the world" are as follows: 1. Strong has the right to use force Power restricts freedom , but it can rally the public . To justify the use of force , it is necessary to find internal or external enemy and inspire the crowd to fight against it . The crowd - a blind instrument of the strong. - Freedom is only just an idea , but we need to convince people to believe in it . It should be remembered that the government - the best way to destroy any society . Even simple promises of liberty, equality and fraternity sow enmity. Contentions necessitate terror which ends dictatorship. Crime - a loyal ally of any political system , giving the appearance of fighting evil . The idea of ​​freedom is not feasible yet because no one can use it in moderation. If people give full self-government , he turn it into licentiousness. Begin strife and the state will crumble from within . Failing state becomes an easy prey external enemies. To avoid this, it is necessary to destroy freedom and introduce a dictatorship. Weak power only leads to new unrest in society. Strong power can not have anything in common with ordinary morality. Ruler, a slave morality, weak and unstable on his throne . Who wants to rule must always use guile and hypocrisy. Frankness and honesty - interesting characters for the people. Brute force rules the world. People submitted upstarts from its midst , will be left to himself . This will cause dissension , the pursuit of honors and riches, suspicion and unrest . Terror leads to uncomplaining obedience. Municipality corrupts. Between them there is no compromise . Efforts to integrate the dictatorship and anarchy lead to nowhere except wars and the weakening of the state. Under the threat of civil strife and discord cease . Actions of people do not start to run animal instincts and moral rules . There is a duty to the law! 2 . In nature there is no equality The idea of ​​equality contradicts the laws of nature. We all have different minds , different abilities and different capabilities. Ancient word for "freedom , equality and fraternity " are unconscious repetition of the old bait that many generations ago was thrown into the crowd. Repeating these words, no one ever thought about the contradictions that they contain. True individual freedom must be protected from the influence of the crowd. But what man can be free if he was forcibly equalized with another , less talented or weaker ? What fraternity may be in the crowd, consisting of " free individuals " , each of which seeks to satisfy only their natural needs? Oppose such appeals must be false doctrine Severity based on personal authority of the governor. State power is manifested not only in the form of the threat of terror , but also in the form of suggestions , which are called laws and ideologies. Law inequality of minds , characters and abilities entitles strong (or smart ) to impose their views weak . It stops disagreements avoiding physical violence within the nation . 3 . Sleeping beast easier to catch The crowd , faced with obstacles to power, begins to look for his head . After some time, the leader of the people there , which is supported by random people , being close by accident . From its new head masses are willing to tolerate a variety of abuse, because they are trying to impress people that these abuses are carried out not by their own fault , but in the name of some higher purpose. For example, they are convinced that the destruction of their own country comes in the name of total peace and happiness. As a result, the crowd begins to believe that incompetence and confusion bring no harm and benefit . With this faith , the crowd with their hands destroys stability and creates unrest at every turn. Intoxicated by the word "freedom" , people oppose any laws , including the laws of nature . Developing the desire for power newly representatives of the people , you must promise them complete freedom of action . Lacking moral and political constraints , they lose vigilance and begin to abuse power over society for the sake of their own interests . Such sacrifice crowd satisfying her predatory instincts and creating the appearance of justice and order . The increasing popularity and rapid success nouveau leaders inspire greater self-confidence of the people , which dulls vigilance , deprives the mind and political resourcefulness. Therefore, they can easily become puppets rulers, who under the guise of advisers gradually begin to take power into their own hands . 4 . To subdue the crowd, should be deprived of her mind Better to disarm and subdue the crowd than to fight it. You do not need to expel the thoughts of others from the public consciousness . They must intercept and use in their own way . Keep in mind that the crowd always takes the word for the cause . Therefore specious case and eloquent promises can captivate her in any direction that will be needed secret ruler. First you need to give freedom of speech to representatives of the people . Empty criticism , controversy and verbal feud weaned people from thinking , distracting the mind to react. To create the necessary desire crowd and subordinate to their will , you need to call so many conflicting opinions from all sides. Inevitable contradictions confuse and disorient finally people . In the resulting chaos of information people will not understand each other. It is necessary to proclaim liberty to the individual. If a free person meets another , the same free , then there is a conflict . When people understand that it is not able to independently reconcile the hostile side, willing to submit to any governor who verbally promised to stop discord in society. Hiding behind the ideas of equality and fraternity , we must build a society so that all important decisions are taken collectively (eg , voting) , and any personal initiative would seem unacceptable. 5 . And you can win without a fight To beat a strong state , not necessarily to declare war . Sufficient to expand the company , and when the disappointment of the crowd at the desired level , it is necessary to take power into their own hands. This can be done without crossing the border. Please state infect conquer the idea of ​​freedom . To do this, you can declare the freedom of entrepreneurship at home , giving imaginary freedom to those who are obsessed with the idea of ​​personal gain . No need to spare no effort to loud praise their economic success , which appeared due to this alleged freedom. Envy of other people's happiness will inevitably cause irritation neighbors. They want to start a similar prosperity. There comes a time when the crowd begins to yearn for some pipe dream that , in her opinion , is located nearby . This crowd loses respect for his government and any of its failures cause immense irritation. Appear upstarts from the people , the active work which finally destroys the society . This leads to chaos in the country. In such circumstances, any external force is taken with hope and gratitude . Should support the activities of dissident scientists who inevitably appear in divide society , given that it was the future of them appear obedient servants to help manage destroyed and enslaved state. 6. The state should be vulnerable Strong prosperous nation sooner or later destroy its creator. The crowd felt the greatness and power, it begins to puff . In prosperous free society she is looking good use his abilities . But as the crowd has nothing , she begins to tear down everything she comes across . A demonstration of brute force strengthens the authority of the government , preventing all kinds of disorders. Need to create a plurality of control kings , which will operate within the state like some organs inside the human body . Thus it is necessary to make sure that performers clearly perform their functions , have full responsibility for the consequences of their work. If even one part of the damage in this state mechanism , the sick the entire state . It becomes very vulnerable. Assigning some rulers and eliminating others, can be easily and seamlessly manage the " health" of the entire state in any range , until his killing . It is important to Bishop crowd seemed fair, and all the ills attributed to his ignorant assistants. 7. Belief in God strengthens power Subjecting the crowd , you should never openly criticize its old traditions. If any faith prevents authorities should gradually replace it with a new , more adapted to modern conditions . You need to create a new spiritual ideology as well as it did in ancient times, when the place of old superstitions began to appear new . First, old beliefs are exposed . To do this you need to attract many obliging talkers defenders , who were among the people, will be day-to- day to express dissatisfaction with the status quo , reinforcing your opinion fictional historical examples which they have become aware of some supposedly very reliable sources . Pumping dissatisfaction crowd - talkers whistleblower must state that only strengthen the power of the people can bring true happiness and prosperity. Same ruler should welcome freedom of speech and ideas that come from people like . If the transitional period will atheists , reformers or people lacking a particular orientation , and that they can benefit in strengthening power. No need to waste power to deal with them better exploit their weaknesses . Preaching atheism , reformers seek not so much to the wealth , how to fame and popularity . Therefore, they are very partial to the attention and adulation . Drawing them on your side , you should give them full freedom of expression , provoking new protests against any religion . His active propaganda atheists make religious leaders to seek the protection of power. 8. The one who attacks first If the enemies usually begin their plots with the organization of secret societies , it is necessary to get ahead of them , creating a similar society , all actions to which controlled proxies ruler. Externally controlled activities organizations should be similar to the real activities of the opposition , which is an active opponent of the existing government . These virtual organizations should have the best conditions for their activities so that they seemed more bitter compared with these conspirators. Thanks to the patronage of the invisible power, pro-government opposition will have a lot of popularity among the people than the real thing. This will distract and spray forces the conspirators to cause confusion and disarray in their ranks. Fake secret societies need to flood the country so that the activities of the conspirators lost its true meaning in the general stream of freethinking . Any board should be in the form paternalism . Power should be the likeness of parents who are raising children's sense of duty and obedience. In any education for intimidation practiced punishment. Fear of inevitable punishment generates a sense of duty and civic responsibility . 9. Wealth gives strength Authorities must ensure order in everything , especially in monetary calculations. Rich need to know what is in their interest to voluntarily give the government a portion of their income , thus buying their safety and the possibility of further profit. Willing to pay for a strong defense. Government needs to be paid by those who have the opportunity , and for whom it is not a burden. If you take on all the same, it will increase the hatred of the poor to the rich. This leads to fermentation in the people, natural performances and the collapse of society. If you release the poor from paying any fees , they are imbued with respect for authority . To reconcile the rich and poor, should inspire the people that the rich paying authority needs to contain the state , ensuring social peace and order . To lure money from the population , it is necessary to increase their repeated promise , when returning after a certain time . Note that there is no single concept of morality . All of it is different . Therefore, to achieve success in politics is possible only in case if not guided by any moral principles and actions are better implemented . 10 . unprovable authenticity Ideology ancient childhood embedded in the consciousness of man, so that over time it is difficult to distinguish from their own opinions . Life consists of modern humans reflexes , rules and actions, which were peculiar to their ancestors , departed to the other world many centuries ago. Who can admit to himself that he was only an obedient puppet team performs some unknown deceased , who through many generations managed to get into his "independent" consciousness? The dead continue to live in their works , making modern man to obey their rules.

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