Thursday, November 13, 2014

The main achievement of Afghanistan during the years of the NATO operation

13th anniversary stay united contingent of troops under the control of USA in Afghanistan remembered major Afghan "achievement". UN Special Commission, monitored, reported that the area of opium plantations reached a record in history. The total plantation area is now 224 thousand sq.a. In this case, too, the record harvest - 7% above last year's harvest. It is reported by the news agency France-Press
, with reference to the report of the UN commission. According to the Russian Federal Service for Drug Control, daily production of individual doses of drugs in Afghanistan is more than 400 million. Units! The Russian side for several years, calls on the international anti-drug agencies to go on working together to destroy drug plantations, but it actively opposes the American side, there is a surprising excuses. One of these, if we destroy the majority of opium poppy cultivation, the Afghan farmers will have nothing to live. By the same logic, and that the drug also can not be prosecuted, because of their material well-being can be seriously hurt ... Nothing to live? - But a decade ago, Afghanistan was quite successful agricultural producer without cultivation of narcotic raw materials.

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